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Everything posted by Honest2021

  1. Believe it or not, this is the FIRST time I've ever posted on a forum (I know - it's 2021)!!! Just wanted kind, thoughtful responses from strangers... Basically, an 18yr old man randomly struck up a conversation with me recently and it was such a breath of fresh air...I thought it was particularly bold because we were both masked. I'm a very young looking 41yr old woman and am often guessed to be 25! We did exchange numbers, have been texting constantly and meet for lunch. I know for a fact that he's interested in starting something yet all the while, the thought of his family condemning me is at the forefront. I personally have no issue with the age difference especially as it's a platonic connection right now. I guess im just looking for any one out there that has experienced similar (older woman, much younger man). Side note, I do not attract men anywhere near my age although I have tried (and tried). I think (also due to the pandemic) I'm ready to just see what happens... Any advice? (Kindness appreciated!)
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