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Posts posted by JustAHuman

  1. Thank you all for your support!


    Patience, I do get enough attention from my guy, he loves me and he really cares about me, it's just that I've always wanted to be with a woman and I really thought that this woman was 'the one'.


    I'm just gonna try to do what you guys suggested and I'm gonna try to keep it professional...but oh God!!!, it's sooo difficult. When she comes to talk to me, she stands real close and I perceive her smell and it drives me crazy, and if she smiles at me I just give up.


    Oh, and today a co-worker told me that he thinks she's in love with me because of the way she looks at me and her behaviour towards me. This is so frustrating and confusing

  2. You guys are great, really


    Patience, I think that you are like my conscience you know??


    Well, I'm not in an open relationship with my boyfriend, we've been together many years and I admit that I've had crushes on other women, but I've never acted on those feelings. This woman has something that made me consider that option.


    I think he suspects, especially since this woman appeared in my life a few months ago.


    I'm not polyamorous, I've been in a monogamous relationship with my guy for many years...I just developed feelings for this woman...but I still love him, he is a wonderful man and we've had a great life together, is just that my feelings for this woman are so intense that I was convinced that looking for a relationship with her was the best decision I could make. And I was wrong.


    At the beginning I wasn't attracted to her, let's say that she's not my 'type', she would be kind of rude, sometimes friendly, but then I noticed her behaviour towards me started to change. I even told my boyfriend that it seemed a female co-worker had a crush on me. She was always looking at me, she started to act flirty and it was like that for a month or so before i started to develop feelings for her, maybe because of the attention she was giving me.


    And yes, I think that if nothing happened is for the best.


    It's gonna be difficult, we work together, you know, and I'm gonna have to see her face almost every day...*sigh* it's not FAIR.


    Thank you all for your support, you are great. I'll let you know how I'm doing

  3. Well, I got the day off and I've been sleeping all the time, I don't wanna think about her and and I'm glad I didn't have to see her face today.


    Actually, I don't know what's the deal with her, why does she wanna flirt with me?? Yesterday when she made that comment about my t-shirt she also said '...and you have another one, but it's a different color...orange, right??'... and I've only worn it once!...Why did she noticed that??...I guess we all know the answer, but she's getting married, so what the *@#$ is she thinking??? Maybe she wants some lesbian action before getting married.


    Thank you guys for your support.

  4. Well, a few things have happened. On tuesday, a co-worker told me that she has a boyfriend, they live together and he proposed to her on saturday.


    What can I say???


    I also have a boyfriend and she's seen me with him, but this woman just 'stole' my heart and, seriously, I wanted to start a relationship with her. I think she just likes to play games and I've decided not to play that game.


    Today she came over to my desk and kept flirting. She said 'I like how that t-shirt looks on you' and then she said something that tells me she's well aware of what I wear.


    I feel desillusioned. Why does she keep flirting with me??? I think this is getting messy.


    Anyway, I'm just gonna live my life with my guy, he loves me, I love him and he doesn't deserve this. What was I thinking and what is she thinking???


    Can anyone give me a hand with this??

  5. Well, actually we are always surrounded by co-workers, but yes, she ignores me when there are 'certain' people around.


    Besides, it seems that some people have noticed that there's something 'going on' there. They look at us suspiciously and the other day she was wearing a rainbow belt and one of my co-workers asked me if she was a lesbian


    So, basically, I think we feel somewhat inhibited or at least I do, but I'll have to figure out what to do if I want a relationship with her.


    Thank you all for your interest

  6. Oh no!!!, I'm not giving up. I wanna kiss her, I wanna hold her, I wanna make love with her, and I'm gonna do whatever is necessary to make that dream come true.


    On tuesday, she was walking to the lunch room and walked right by me, she was ignoring me, but I stared at her, she looked at me and we both said hi.


    Later, she was talking to someone behind me, she started to walk to the opposite direction and looked back towards me while walking. Why did I notice that?...well, I looked back towards her too That was sooo hot!!. For the rest of the night she kept looking over at my desk.


    Yesterday, she walked right by me and looked at me over her shoulder and smiled. Then, I was on the computer and she came over to my desk to help me. She was standing next to me and leaned forward to grab the mouse. Her...'you know what'...was literally up against my knee (I had my leg crossed and she's kind of short) and her brests almost on my face (I moved away, that's why it didn't happened ).


    Later, I came back from my lunch and she said 'you sound so winded, were you running or something?', and stared down my brests briefly and smiled. She was standing really close to me, talking and we looked into each others eyes intensely.


    I think I have a chance with her, but I've noticed that when she talks to me she's no longer using that 'sweet' intonation that I mentioned at the beginning, weird, eh?


    So...what do you guys think?

  7. PLEASE!! someone help me to understand this woman...she's...indecipherable!!. I just don't know how to read her. Today she ignored me all the time. We didn't have the chance to talk, but I tried to make eye contact and as far as I know she never looked at me. I mean, I'm in love with that woman, I just can't take my eyes off her and I expect her to do the same. What can I do???, she's sending mixed signals and I'm confused. If this is gonna be so difficult, I think I'm gonna stick to men

  8. I almost forgot...you know what i told her on wednesday??...well, i said: 'Hey, now you're never here, where have you been?', she said 'yeah you're right, i saw you when you came, blah, blah..'.

    It was a good move I guess (thank you for the advice Ballys ). I wanted to let her know that I missed her those days and I think she got the message. I'm proud of myself, but I've gotta keep practicing God, I never thought it would be so difficult to flirt with another woman.

  9. ok, everything is back to normal, she didn't change her shift and we're flirting again. On wednesday and friday I just couldn't stop looking at her, she caught me staring at her and I didn't care...she even held my gaze for a few seconds. I also cought her staring at me and I must say that I feel much better now. It seems that I still have a chance...and thank you guys for your support

  10. At least I'm not alone Mgirl


    Well...what can I say about the deal?, I don't know...I don't think I will have the courage to do something like that, it'd be so...bold?. But, on the other hand, I gotta do something!. It seems that she has a different shift now. Today I started my shift early in the afternoon and she was there for about two hours and then she left. It happened the same on friday.


    I feel...sad?...yes, I do feel sad. It makes my day just to know that she's around, and if now I'm gonna see her just a couple of hours each day, that won't be enough.


    Today I tried to make eye contact, I stared at her a couple of times, but she never looked at me.


    I want to show her that I have feelings for her, but I don't want anyone else in the office to notice that, and the thing is that we don't really have the chance to talk that much. *sigh* I"m starting to feel desperate. Now I know that I'm in love with her.


    Hope you do better than me M girl

  11. I'm just an idiot!. I've been blowing any chances I've had to show her the way I feel about her. What happens is that I'm becoming paralized with shyness when she's around or talking to me. Sometimes I stare at her, but I'm so stupid that in the past 5-4 days when she comes near me, I just ignore her. Now, she's ignoring me, it seems that she's avoiding me and she's not even making eye contact. I had the perfect opportunity to show her that I care about her two days ago, she was sick on wednesday and had to go home earlier, I wanted to ask her if she was feeling better when she came to my desk to ask me something about work, but I didn't say a word....pathetic!. Please, help me!! how do I fix this??? I think she's loosing interest and I'm falling in love with her.

  12. Well, I guess you all are right, I mean, her behaviour towards me has changed dramatically...but, I must admit that I still have doubts, I'm going nuts here. Is she really flirting with me?...really? and how do I go for it without being too obvious? I don't know if she's gay and that makes it more difficult. This is new territory for me and I need help.


    Thanks for your advice

  13. Hi, I'm new here and I'm sooo confused that I would really appreciate your help.


    My coworker tends to be kind of rude with people, and she used to be like that with me at the beginning, but things have changed in the last two months. Now when she talks to me she looks directly into my eyes and she never did that before, I've caught her staring at me, the tone of her voice is...'sweet', and that is so not her way to talk, she smiles a lot, winks, she would touch me in the arm and say 'hi' with that 'sweet' intonation, and watch my lips while I'm talking. I mean...she's not like that with others.


    I'm very attracted to her and I just want to know if she's flirting with me or not. I'm trying to do the same, like smiling a lot , making eye contact, etc. I've never been with another woman before and I would really like to have that experience, but actually I don't know what to do, I get very nervous when she's around. So I guess my question is if she's interested and what do I have to do to let her know that I'm interested too?Is this the way a woman flirts with another woman?


    Thanks in advance for your advice.

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