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Posts posted by imkazaam

  1. anyways thats what happened to me.. We werent in a bar, but in a class so she is not expecting or waiting anyone.. It was just in the beggining of the class so she didnt even get bored yet.. I dont know it could be normal but i looked to her after that then she looked away. so its not about she was curious about the time, she was looking !

    At the very least, I'd say it means she's thinking of you. She might even be nervous.


    DeAngelo's stuff says looking at a woman while she's looking at you, until she looks away, shows confidence. (Doing that 3 times in ten minutes though is stalker-like; Do... it... just... once.) And it works.


    Point is, if you catch someone else looking & looking away quickly, it shows they caught themselves getting caught-- it's a shy move. Opposite of confidence. Most likely- that either means she is shy (all the time) period and she does that with everybody, or just you. (Of course it could always mean something different.)


    Great signature by the way.

  2. Chemistry is sort of how that person makes you feel. Attraction is based on chemistry and it could also be based on whatever the person's interests are. If your parents had a good relationship during your childhood, you are already ahead of the game.


    If that's what you had, I would try to find a person who reminds me of my mother. That would probably get you hooked up with a girl who you can connect with the way you want to. Guys get alot from their mothers in this department and girls from their fathers. Of course siblings and close friends and other people such as relatives also contribute to this learning.

  3. Do what you think is best. You can't go wrong if you think carefully about whatever you do and also do the right thing.


    Some people say you gotta make yourself happy. With that in mind, it's best to just give out the kind of feelings you want. Picture the woman of your dreams; be the man that captures her heart. Is being that person making you happy too? That's the important thing.


    Others say all you can do is give and if you don't get it from the person in return, don't worry. What you give out never gets lost and it will find it's way back to you. Good luck with the girl, man.


    Dude, I read something once. It said a certain type of guy is just aggressive, he just keeps trying (w/o appearing obsessive) every possible way until she says 'yes' or 'no.' If you feel up to the task, just have a sense of humor and go for it. Above all, thinking less is good. Maybe there is a place you can combine strategy with compassion. That's where I'd aim if I were you.

  4. Imagine person C was the same as person D.


    Person D just has a different perspective.


    Scenario 1)

    Person D lives in another country, such as India, where it's pretty standard to marry someone for life? (my speculation) And 'dating around' / having many relationships isn't common.


    Scenario 2--not a carryover from #1) (Person C is still person D-- who loves person A)

    Person C meets person A and has a relationship with them...Person D does not know person B. D has never even heard of them. C's relationship goes sour with person A and A ends up later on with person B. D is like, "that's the new guy/gal" and is relatively uninterested/hopes person A is happy.


    Scenario 3--also not a carryover from #1 or #2) (Person C is still person D)

    C meets person A and D also KNOWS Person B -- but D does not care whether this person loves them or not. D sees their relationship (A & C's) as a separate part of both lives, and D completely trusts person A. But again... (as above) it goes sour. And they end up with person B. But again, D is like, "they finally got together" and is relatively uninterested/hopes person A is happy.


    My interpretation of this is


    1) Multiple relationships is western culture only (US, UK, some latin countries and western europe)...(for the most part...maybe some other cultures too, I'm not expert) and there are other possibilities. There are other norms as well.


    2) If Person C didn't know Person B then Person C could not 'fear' or have suspicion about their(person B's) involvment with Person A. If this is happening or has ever happened to or with Person C, perhaps there are some power issues in the relationships that Person C has with the opposite sex (but probably everyone). They may even be occurring in the present.


    3) Notice how Person D can also just see them as people and not 'get inside their heads' and put all thoughts about them getting together before or after the current relationship (what does that have to do with the present anyway?).


    Finally, Person C may (if Person C is even real) have his or her ideals, and I respect that. Perhaps person C would be happier if they could remain in the present, enjoy the relationship they have/would have hypothetically with person A, and that relationship would probably not end (just a random guess, there are almost always other factors involved) without the worry, jealousy, envy, inferiority complex, or fear of abandonment that comes with paying (in this case) too much attention to what other people have.

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