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Posts posted by rao

  1. Hi!


    I've been in a relationship with a woman nearly two years now. It started off as a long distance relationship for about six months before I moved to the same city as hers. It was great initially. She was everything I ever dreamed of...beautiful, smart, responsible, loving, ambitious and a great sense of humor to boot. I sensed she was strongheaded and quick to temper a few times but ignored it. Trouble brewed when I moved to the city she lived in. It hit me that she was domineering and highly temperamental...she would get ticked off at the smallest things. If I was late to meet her by even 5-10 minutes, if I bought books (which I do...I'm a copywriter by profession and I love books) with my own money (she thinks they're a waste of money), if I forgot where a certain ingredient is kept when I'm helping her cook...for example. And rarely does she apologize or feel bad for blowing up...she shows no emotion even if I'm crying. Anyway, I changed habits to please her. But she would and still nags me about how immatured and irresponsible I am. There is absolutely no appreciation for all the things I go out of my way to do. And what's more, it has been over 5-6 months since we've last made love...if you could call it that. Her idea of doing 'it' is for her to be on top and 'pleasure me'. Apart from kissing her, she does not even let my mouth near her neck! When I questioned her, her reply "Pleasuring you gives me pleasure!" Further discussions on the topic and she tells me she does not feel sexual urges anymore and that it could be the result of the two surgeries she's been through (she has multiple fibroids). But I don't think so cuz she doesn't like getting intimate either...cuddling, nuzzling, etc...except maybe when we sleep together with our arms around each other. This, despite the fact that we work together, have our own office room together! And oh yes, she is highly sarcastic and passes it off and gets away with it in the name of humor...it's something I found cute initially but it's tiring now to retort with a witty reply to her constant 'funny sarcasms'.


    Strangely enough I know I can't live without her...I have spent every single day from 9am to 9pm with her the last year or so...she's become a routine I can't think of kicking. I love her but I know my level of patience is reaching rock bottom.


    What do I do?

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