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Posts posted by tigergrl03

  1. Through both Sociology and Psychology classes I took in my first two years of college, I learned that guys are visual creatures. Although they may excite easily due to appearance, there is usually no emotion there. When they are in love, their perspectives are completely different, and they look at EVERY aspect of a woman, not just her physical appearance.

  2. i hate to be harsh, but it sounds to me like she wants to be free to see other people, but still reap the benefits of having a relationship with you. don't let her use you. however, if you see a possibility of getting back together with her, and you feel that together time is what you need to work out your issues, then my response to your question/situation might be different.

  3. i can completely relate to how you're feeling. even now that i have a boyfriend who i am very happy with, i still think about my exes during certain times of the year...summer, valentine's day, etc. even during certain times of the day. sometimes i'll call just to say hi when i am thinking about them, and sometimes i won't. i know i love my boyfriend, but when you've been in such an intimate relationship, it's hard to completely forget a person, even once you've moved on.

  4. this is kinda little kiddish, but play the nervous game. touch each other in spots that are close but not too close to the "hot zones." see how long you can do this before you finally give in and have sex. if you want something completely unrelated to sex, then go for a walk, or take a picnic. spending time outdoors seems to bring out the open-ness in a person.

  5. when my boyfriend told me he thought i was beautiful, but didn't really think of me as hot, i was devastated. but then i realized, he's with me for a reason, and, although his comment may have unintentionally hurt me, it wasn't meant in that fashion. not that i'm defending this guy if his intentions were not good...but it appears to me that what he meant was that yes, he could have had a girl with what is considered to be a perfect body...superficial, etc., but that he has you and he likes your body more because of how much he loves you. that is just my opinion.

  6. The internet leads to lots of confusion such as this...also, at such a young age, boys can be cruel... heck, guys can still be that mean in college! Anyway, I hope it wasn't him, and it actually sounds like a "dumb friend" like thing to do, but if it was him, don't let it phase you. If his intelligence is low enough to do something like that and say those things, then he isn't worthy of you. Hang in there, sister!

  7. At your age, it is normal. I was like that during late middle school, and early high school. In fact that's how I was through most of high school, until my senior year. My senior year, everyone in our class seemed to have this bond. We'd all go to the same parties, same places. I guess we were realizingi that we weren't going to see each other all the time anymore. Anyway, prior to that, I spend much of my time alone....listening to music in my room, reading, etc. Even if your behavior continues throughout high school, and into college, it's definitely still normal. I mean, seriously, who really wants to deal with all of the drama that comes with being social? I'd have to say that's my least favorite part of the scene. Anyway, to answer your question, no, it's not odd!

  8. If that's truly ALL you want, then don't ever be in a situation where it could become more. For example, don't watch movies with her in the dark with your arm around her, etc. Also, don't kiss her, hold her hand, etc. Those are signs that she will read as you wanting her back. It seems that she does want something more than just friendship with you because she came looking for you! Please let her know right away of your intentions, or she may end up with a broken heart.

  9. Honestly, it depends on your age. I have advice on this topic, but not knowing how old you are, it's hard to say, so I'll just give both pieces of advice:


    If you are still in high school/first year of college, I do think it's possible. At these times in someone's life, they cannot readily see themselves being committed to one person. When they think of commitment, they think of "life-long" and that scares them. It has nothing to do with their particular feelings for you, it's just that they feel like they have more life to live.


    However, if you are in your twenties, or older, I would say that this person that you speak of has a real commitment phobia. As a 20+, they should be considering what the rest of their life is going to be like, not just living for the moment. So in this case, I think their wavering commitment is a sign that they are just not willing to grow up.


    Hope this helps in one way or another.

  10. Maybe you just don't know how to explain how you feel to the men in your life, or maybe you don't know how to say no to them (please don't take offense) when it comes time for them to propose. I find myself having the same problem. Recently, I started a new relationship and it was moving too fast emotionally. For awhile, I didn't say anything, but when I finally did I felt so much better. Again, this is just a suggestion, but maybe it will be helpful...

  11. Number one, and I don't want to sound like someone who is a giant "stick-in-the-mud" but you are FAR to young to be having sex! And who are these girls who are trying to get you to have sex? Even the messing around is going a little bit far for only being 15. I am 20 years old and in my second year of college. I did not lose my virginity, or do anything "below the belt" for that matter, until last year, when I was 19. As for your question, I don't think all guys are easy. But when a girl likes a guy, and thinks he likes her back, then she will almost certainly be more aggressive in trying to get what she wants (i.e. sex). However, it seems odd to me that these girls in your age group are already pressing for sex...wow...I'm truly amazed. Be proud of your virginity, and keep it as long as you want to...don't let anyone change your mind. One of my best guy friends is a virgin, and he is almost 20 years old! He still does "other things" with girls, and is perfectly happy with himself, and his life. Hang in there, things do get a LITTLE bit easier once you're done with high school.

  12. When I was in high school, this was most definitely the case, but in college things have changed a little. I've learned that pretending that you don't like someone out of shyness doesn't really accomplish anything. Instead, you just like the person more and more, and he is more and more clueless about it. He WILL date other people if he doesn't know that you like him, so make sure the guy knows. If he knew that you liked him, who knows? You might just be the next one he dates!

  13. I have been with my boyfriend for just over two months. For the majority of those two months, he has been in Germany with the military. About two weeks after he left to go back from leave, I agreed to hang out with one of my co-workers who is of the opposite sex. We ended up making out, and then seeing each other every night following our make out session. Eventually we had sex. I felt guilty, but could not bring myself to tell my boyfriend. We decided to take a "break" until he comes home in June, but then things went bad with my co-worker. The co-worker was upset that I hadn't broken things off with my boyfriend sooner. So, my boyfriend and I ended the break. Now things are starting to get better between the co-worker and I, and I realize that I have some very real feelings for my co-worker. The only problem is, I also still care for my boyfriend very much! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! I'm so confused, and I don't want to lose either one of them! Please, please give me some advice!

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