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Posts posted by DQD

  1. I went no contact after arguing a lot with her regarding why she wouldn't take me back. But, then I decided going no contact; for 15 days I didn't contact her, then contacted her again on the 16th, talked, pleaded, blamed, tried to reason, accused, apologized, to no avail. She just doesn't wanna hear from me or talk to me. She has made it clear, she doesn't love or feel for me. She doesn't think she can be happy with me. No matter how much I try to fix, it seems I'm only exacerbating the situation. I love this girl, and want to get back with her.

    Now, the problem is, we are in the same year in University, I've decided no contact once again, tomorrow being the first day. Does anyone here have any advice for me?


    Best thing to do here would be to stick to the No Contact thing. I know its hard and i know im not the best placed to give such advice as im not sticking to it myself but if she has made it clear, no amount of things you say will change her mind - only she can do that. If you still want to get her back, remember what it was about you that first attracted her too you. Focus on improving this and magnifying it not for her but for yourself. You will get over this soon, or attract her back whichever is supposed to happen, will happen.

  2. I have been in NC with my ex girlfriend for 4 days - she sent me a message last night and she has been messaging me asking loads of questions about the issues we fell out about. She has said she maybe wishes she was a stronger person to have dealt with the issue we had that was the final nail in the coffin as it would mean we are still together now. Most of her fondest happiest memories are of us two together but she knows herself and what she deserves and that ISNT a man right now. She can find happiness in being alone.


    It seems to me to be mixed messaging. I have said to her i need to block her again once the financial stuff we are trying to sort is done and she has come back with 1 thing she is asking for is that i wait until at least after my birthday to block her again.


    I have no idea why this woman is going out her way to ruin my progress in getting over her. She broke up with me. She said there is no way for this to work out and she was done. She had her ex boyfriend over her flat for the night hours after we broke up. She is the one saying she cant possibly think of being with a man for a long time because of how strongly she loved me and it is gone now.


    I guess all i have that i want to say too her (that i cant) is - I tried my hardest to make you has happy as you made me. I loved spending time with you and your daughters. It is a shame you couldn't see past the things that were enough to drive us apart. Maybe lockdown was a big contributing factor to us ending, maybe we were always going to end. I will never be your friend again like we were, i doubt we will ever speak again after this is all done because i cant. You have taken from me everything i saw as my future and i will never forgive you for that or for how much my daughter loved seeing you and your children which has also been taken from her. Every couple has issues and dramas to work though and people have pointed out for a long time (as well as on this forum) all the red flags i over looked when it came to you and ours. I hope i stop loving you pretty damn soon because this is not good for me, my head or my daughter. Not only do i wish i could stop loving you i wish i could hate you for what you have done or better yet, just blank the last 6 years of you in my life out of my head so i could walk past you in the street and not even know who you were.

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