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Posts posted by ComTReX

  1. I am 16, yes I am young I guess.. Well, anyway I need advice on what to do here..


    I guess I can be shy around girls that I have feelings for, overall I am a laid-back person, lately I have developed a crush on this girl in my grade, I have English class with her and this thing called "SRT" which in short is just 30 minutes after english class where we do nothing.. I don't talk to her much at all, usually in Englush class no one talks, and than in SRT shes always with her friends, I'm not really friends with her friends and sicne I don't ever talk to her, I'm a little bit to shy to go over there and just like talk to them.. I want to talk to her so bad because I have a big crush on her and I want to get to know her better, Just the way she acts in class and everything I know about her I like a lot.. but I don't know how to get to be able to talk to her.. I got her online name but I have not added it to my list yet because I havn't talked to her in person, so I feel like I shouldn't add that until I know her in person, is that the right thing to do? How do I start talking to her and reveal my feelings for her? am I totaly crazy because I'm not friends with her friends?((like I feel like wea re in different "groups" so to speak..)... what should I do? .

  2. Hey, so I read your post, and here is just my advice..


    Talk to your boyfriend about how he acts when you are in public, and let him know that you like to be text messaged, or called sometimes... and if nothing changes, then he must not be the one for you, I don't think that your crush developed as a lack of something in your relationship because crushes just happen.. you can't control how you feel about someone, and definatly if you end up deciding to act on your feelings for him, think about everything how would you react if you started dating?, how would you react with what he said? what do you want him to say? because if you start feeling that you don't want to really be with him, just don't say anything to him because theres no reason to hurt him.

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