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Posts posted by chaching15

  1. Check it out.

    Just because she has eye contact with you alot doesn't mean a thing. She is probably just being nice cuz thats how "popular"girls are.DONT BE DIRECT WITH HER!that approach never works believe me i've tried that.

    Approach her when she has 1 friend around.Try to be sooo clean when you approach her.A girl loves a clean guy. Dress to impress. Do not look desperate cuz then you'll scare her. Be smooth and keep it cool.Wet your lips and ask her if she would like to go on a date sometime .Hopefuly she'll say yes if she doesnt then too.

  2. Hey what up

    I clealy see your problem.Try to make yourself look better.Look at guys that attract girls and try to mimic their image.Do not try to impress a girl because the girl will look at you and think that you are really desperate for her and you will scare her away.Keep your self esteem high dont worry about what people think about you because i once had a problem similar like yours but i kept it cool. Keep your feelings smooth.If a girl ignores you dont worry there is many girls every where.Try to be smooth.

    Smile at a girl when she looks at you but not a crazy smile just a cool smooth smile. Be hygenical. Girls love a guy with pealy white teeth,good breath ,groomed hair and some fly kicks if you know what i'm sayin.Well if you need more advice than that then i'll be happy to look out.

  3. My situation got better because now i talk with her and I am going to try to build up a relationship from that.This good thing happened in two days and we really have fun together.

  4. I need advice on how to flirt with a girl.But I really don't know if the advice i'll get can really work. I don't want to seem desperate. I really like this girl and i wana do the flirting good.I aslo want advice on the conversation.She is popular at school and i don't know if she will fall for me.

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