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Posts posted by christalix

  1. Is ok, l will save the best for last.




    Save The Best For Last - Vanessa Williams

    Sometimes the snow comes down in June

    Sometimes the sun goes 'round the moon

    I see the passion in your eyes

    Sometimes it's all a big surprise'Cause there was a time when all I did was wish

    You'd tell me this was love

    It's not the way I hoped or how I planned

    But somehow it's enough

    And now we're standing face to face

    Isn't this world a crazy place

    Just when I thought our chance had passed

    You go and save the best for last

    All of the nights you came to me

    When some silly girl had set you free

    You wondered how you'd make it through

    I wondered what was wrong with you'

    Cause how could you give your love to someone else

    And share your dreams with me

    Sometimes the very thing you're looking for

    Is the one thing you can't see

    And now we're standing face to face

    Isn't this world a crazy place

    Just when I thought our chance had passed

    You go and save the best for last


    Sometimes the very thing you're looking forIs the one thing you can't see

    Sometimes the snow comes down in June

    Sometimes the sun goes 'round the moon

    Just when I thought our chance had passed

    You go and save the best for lastYou went and saved the best for last

  2. RAMSICKLE 1369


    I know how you feel, and l went through the same.

    But the secret was, l forced myself and stoped to call her. It was not easy, but , l was out walking, watching old movies, dating different girls, flirting on the internet, staying on the telephone with someone for long and ya.

    In 6 days, she was asking me why l was not calling anymore and if l got another girl. I tell you, it works.My ex was more than crazy, and she treated me on the phone just like her craziness.


    But, just make one step, only one step and you will make the second step just like a new born child.


    Delete her icq, delete her contacts, do not destroy her pics if u dont wanna, but see her as somebody who hurt you and keep them in a dark box. Her letters and all keep them away.


    On the day one, log yourself in a chat flirting room, do it with the ladies over there, your ego will come back.

    Comeon, l know this, l cried, l begged, but this wicked girl just took my words for granted. Even though she cheated on me.

    This is why l say, get up, get hay!!!

    The sun is still shinning. Sweet world but short life.


    Sleep with as many women you can have , one day, one will be your wife..

    Or just NC, she will call.AND YOU KNOW WHY????


    because, you have been calling everyday, but when you stop, just see what will happen`=====

  3. HI everyone,

    Im glas to see everyone going strong!


    I have a question.

    should I change my home phone number..he keeps calling me. I dont answer.

    It is hard to do NC when I still care but know I cant do this anymore.

    part of me wants to answer to see what he wants, I think thats what he is trying to get me too do. same as last time, he leaves a message once in awhile but mostly not....Its kind of hard to get him out of my mind when he keeps calling.

    My health is not good right now and his calls are stressing me out and not helping matters at all..I just want to tell him AGAIN to stop calling.

    How long before he gets the hint?


    Much crazy stuffs here

    whiles others are planning to get in contact with their ex, crying and feeling depressed, others are asking how to make them stop calling them


    Well, l will say, tell him some bad things and he will stop calling you, my ex did the same to me. She told me how stupid l was and how she never loved me. " well was not the truth, but she said them for me to stop calling her"




    Well the world is great to live in

  4. yes need2bme, l was nailed to the floor. I was the last dirt on earth.

    She told her friends that l raped her and that was why she broke up with me. When l told her friends that , she lied to me, they believed her. She also told them she lied because l was jealous. Actually, she told me, she loves God and she loves me too. She is faithful to God and me. After her, l even hate christians relly! I trusted her but ....yes, l have learnt a lot.


    I saw her at absoluteagency last nite, with her pictures saying she is single and ya, she was there chating with all males. Well, l was happy l did not reply to her when she asked me why l have not called such a long time and if l got another girl.


    I swear, it would have been a mistake if l would have replied to her or fooled my self to call, l would have regreted forever. Now l am doing this NC stuff, but l am praying to meet a more attractive lady than her who will be more open minded. I miss her much , due to the fact that l was/am used to her, but l have had many dates with many ladies , well were not for me!!!


    Well, how can we love again when people treat us like this?.

    She is from ukraine, and we had more telephone calls since l am from other country. I was callin her everyday during our together because she wanted me too. I was then used to it.


    When she broke up with me, she asked me to NOT TO CALL HER ANYMORE!! Yes, was hard for me, but l am happy l am out , l am trying to mend my heart together, maybe stay single for the rest of my life or just have sex around or maybe ...l do not know.

  5. well, my ex broke up with me after l discovered a number on her cell phone and when l approached her , she lied to me.


    After this she broke up with me.

    After the break up, My God, l was callin her everyday , but she was shouting on me asking me not to call her anymore, even not picking my calls, asking me what l want from her,all bad words that one could use on an enemy were named after me.. I texted her, she did not reply. I sent her a sorry card, she did not accept it. so, l decided not to call her .


    since 1 week now l have not call her. today, l was on icq and she text me saying: Hey, long time you did not call, do you have another girl?"

    I did not reply to her and just logged off.


    I love her very much , but how long should love make Man to be like a doormat?


    Well, if she comes back l will take her warmly back, but l think, she got to learn from this.


    Is she only wanna know whats going with me that´s why she asked me if l am already dating someone else?

    Or is she trying to trap me into calling her to make her ego raise up?

  6. yeah!!, l told her she is beautiful but l can not marry her.

    The problem is she wants me to marry her before anything else since she is a christian "she says", but l really don´t want to marry her since, l got no time for that.

    I know she loves me but l think, l will not marry now......

    Yeah this is the problem now...but all the same she is a good singer.

  7. If she these actions are only directed towards you during your studio/work time then it would seem that her interest is as a friend..


    She works from 10.30 am till 19pm.

    We see us maybe once or twice in a week since she got to be taking care of a household.


    Well, l will treat her as a friend.

  8. l met a girl some moths ago. she is a singer and l´m her producer.

    She is nice and l fear falling in love with her.


    Well, the reasons that l got this love feelings are:

    1. she always want to put her hands in my hands when walking on the street.

    2.She drinks from my glass or bottle even though she got her own separate drink.

    3. she lays her head on my shoulder when we are in the bus. " l use to tell her that, people will think she is my girlfriend so she should take the head off. But she tells me, who cares and she doesn´t mind.

    4. She is a white girl and l´m a black guy.

    5. she spents many hours in my studio.

    6. she stays when l ask her to be in my company till midnight.

    7.she comes to me in the studio and ask me "if l believe in first sight first love?

    8. she tells me , her friends said she should be careful with me.

    l then l asked her why they said that, but she said, it was just a joke.

    9.l told her we can not be friends, but she said then we could be a brother

    and a sister.


    Ehm! could this be a reason because l am her producer or she want more from me or she just needs someone to talk to?

    I am 25 and she is 19.

    I really do not want to mix my production with a relationship.

    Any advice will be accepted.


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