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Posts posted by bluekey

  1. well.. it's hard to see make a good decision when your feelings are involved, and that is certainly the case here. You know that you like him, and you know that he likes you. Personally, I think age is nothing but a number, and shouldn't be a problem. However, if he is such a slacker, and you are looking for someone who is goal orientated, you might want to reconsider dating him. Because clearly, being with him gets you no where. I really don't think he is a player, a player never tell others that he is one. He might be just really want sex, if you are only looking for sex, then you should relax and enjoy each other, physcially....

  2. well... I sorta brought up the idea of taking a break just as a warning, telling her that there are something wrong. But then she felt we should break up too, I tried really hard to get her back, but she was extremely true and was very cold toward me. I was so shocked because the break up happened so suddenly. I don't know if she is over me, but I guess I will focus on my current gf now

  3. I broke up with my ex about a year ago, although we only dated for 5 months, it was a pretty intense relationship. After the breakup, we promised to be friend with each other, however, we rarely talked to each other. Anyways, I just recently started dating someone else and feel like I am ready to move on. I emailed my ex a few days ago asking if she still wants to be friend. Her reply was rather suprising. She said

    "I'm glad you've moved on and I'm happy that you have found someone. Thanks for wanting to be friends with me, but I think that it will be too difficult for me to be friends with you. We only knew each other as bf/gf and were never friends first. And now that we've broken up, I can't think of you of anything other than my ex. I'm so happy that you're dating someone nice and hopefully she'll be a better girlfriend to you than I was. "


    I really wish I could be friend with my ex but I do respect her decision. However I am really confused by what she said, and don't understand why she wouldn't be friend with me. Does she hate me? or she is not over me yet?


    Thanks for your advices.

  4. ok, so, my gf is great, she is always up to new things, and I do my best to fulfill her and my fantasies. however, I am running out of ideas.... so, i need some ideas from you guys, be practical please. Ladies, any fantasies you can offer? or guys, if you have done anything fun, please share. thanks

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