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Posts posted by teeEFc

  1. You’re the one who wanted this though despite the advice given.


    Still, it’s a marathon not a sprint.


    She hasn’t completely gone yet though...Patience young padawan*


    She IS weaning off though as exs do and you’re helping her do that...


    Personally though I wouldn’t be sticking around while my ex dates someone else. Even if that goes South there’s no guarantee she’ll come back to you...


    So long as you’re pushing on with your own life*





    She's weaning herself off of you - my ex did that to me too.

    We're now officially in no contact. It's been around 6 - 7 weeks. He's definitely integrated with his new beau.


    Listen to the folks on here - you have to look forward. You've got no choice.

    I've been listening to 'the mindset of no contact' by Dating Guy on youtube. It's pretty great stuff. Listen to something on loop that's motivational and speaks to your heart - but seek out things that help you move on and not keep you stuck.

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