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Posts posted by MirrorKnight

  1. Negative reviews on a forum like this is no surprise at all to be honest.


    1) Perfectly happy people in fulfilled relationships do not come here. Those who do are often confused and heartbroken, and a lot of them are suffering with various mental health issues. People in this category are not going to be the easiest to communicate with.


    2) A lot of people come here not for advice, but for comfort, attention, reassurance etc... And they are often offended or upset when they are challenged about their situation instead, which is often necessary to provide any meaningful advice. This forum is actually not that bad for this problem, if you go to a mental health community, 90%+ of posters are not actually looking for solutions, and offering them anything more than hollow comfort actually triggers them, because they just want to be told that it is okay to feel the way they do, not practical steps to change their situation.


    3) The regular advisers here are a mix of people who are interested in relationships and mental health, maybe trainee counselors or other mental health professionals, or more likely, somebody who came here asking for advice to begin with, and then hung around for whatever reason. The former can be guilty of over-diagnosis, like a carpenter trying to solve every engineering problem with wood, the latter can inadvertently project their own baggage onto others. Nobody is paid for advice here, so frankly, there is no objective "quality control".


    4) Every forum is a community, every community organically develops a certain culture and set of values that they deem to "correct", a powerful inner circle (clique) forms which reinforces that set of values by proactively censoring content that is deemed offensive and passively discouraging those whose values do not align. This is not unique to ENA. I am an open minded and curious person, I have joined a Christian forum before, among others, and whilst it was a very positive, friendly and loving place, the moment you question their core beliefs, the pitch forks come out... plus they tolerated a toxic fringe who were openly xenophobic and Islamophobic, justifying it in religious terms, which somehow made it okay in that community. My point, no community is perfect, you just got to find your own... though in the modern age of the internet, this is how misinformation reinforcement loops and echo chambers form, which is causing radicalization and extremism across the world in all sorts of issues.

  2. "My ex did horrible things to me! She/he lied, cheated, called me names! She/he ignored and blocked me! She/he is evil!


    How do I get her/him back?"


    lol I know precisely what you mean.


    I'm very tempted to introduce two people to each other. :D :D

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