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Posts posted by anchor31

  1. It's a relief to learn that you care about what she wants and decided to not influence her decision. I'm glad to know things are turning out well for the two of you. Nothing stops you from proposing to her for Christmas/her birthday/your anniversary/sometimes this year! I sure wish my boyfriend would...


    My parents are very conservative too and used to not let my boyfriend sleep in my room when he came over even if I was of age already. But they had no say in me sleeping in my boyfriend's room or him sleeping in my residence apartment room, and I suppose the same goes with your girlfriend's parents.


    Good luck!

  2. I beg you, don't propose to her because you want her to stay. For the sake of your relationship, just don't. If you love her, and I'm sure you do, let her go.


    I did what your girlfriend is doing. I left 600 km away from my boyfriend and family last January for school. My boyfriend was and still is wonderful and he let me go. It has not hurt our relationship at all, I could even say that it has helped it it many ways because we both had things to live and things to learn on our own. I came back for the summer and this summer has been the best summer of my life.


    It turns out I am very unhappy with the choice I made. I am very disappointed in the school and the program I study in. During the school term and with the summer job I had, I discovered something that is linked to my field of study and interests me even more. I looked for programs in that field of study and found one that seems absolutely fascinating... and it's back home!! So I am coming back next summer to stay. We started talking about moving together and getting married.


    The reason I'm telling you all this is that you have to let her go, and who knows? She might come back sooner than you think. It'll be hard on both of you, but it could lead to great things. When she comes back (or the year before if you feel like it), then propose. It'll be worth the wait, I promise.

  3. I'm a girl and I've been in a serious relationship with my boyfriend for almost two years. I would like to get married in a few years, but I'm trying to not pressure my boyfriend about it because I know it's not the right thing to do and marriage should not be rushed into or forced, and I know each of us aren't ready personally to be married and neither is our couple.


    However, I am feeling pressured about getting married right now and I don't really know what to do. Many friends and family are getting engaged/married and keep asking me when my turn is. My parents and grandmother are very conservative and still preaching about premarital sex. My grandmother has been saying for years that seeing me in a white dress is her greatest dreams, and she's not getting younger.


    I know I shouldn't get married to please my friends and family and I don't plan to, but can anyone give me tips as to how to handle this pressure without wanting to break up? I am worried that the pressure my boyfriend is also getting from his family will only hurt our relationship... I love him and I want to marry him eventually, but we need to get rid of all this pressure!

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