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Posts posted by Rizzle

  1. oh okay, thanks for your help i've told him to go to the school nurse during lunchtime to see if she knows anything, so i'll try and persuade him. i know he should be embarrassed about it, hardly anyone notices it and if they do they don't say anything but i guess it's an insecurity of his..

  2. Ok to start with this isn't actually about me. I have a friend who since he was about eight years old (he's 15 now) has been having these twitches. They're really hard to describe, it's just like his whole upper body just jerks really suddenly, he doesn't know when they're going to happen and he can't control them. Anyway, recently they've been getting more frequent like once or twice every hour or so, I assumed this was down to stress or something because he's been getting a lot more work in the last month, and they're really getting him down because I think he's quite embarrassed about it. So I suggested he had a search on the internet to see if he could find anything about it but he says whenever he tries to look he gets really upset and stuff.


    So basically I was just wondering if anyone here knew what would be causing these twitches or how he could stop them or control them?


    Thanks in advance.

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