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Posts posted by SeeJ

  1. It has been nearly a month now since I was dumped. I have had some rare emails since then and I wouldnt be so disapointed if I didnt still miss her so much. When we split she said she loved me but couldnt be with me anymore. I wish she would have not said that. I feel the same in that i love her very much, but to me if thats how I feel, I am not willing to give up. I guess that I simply dont unerstand it. Anyway, I am trying to pick a date where I am going to give up hoping and move on. So....heres waiting any advice?

  2. Hey Brett,

    I would say the best thing to do is research if you can use this information in court to paint a picture of an unstable person that may not have the best interests of the children in mind at all times. truly that should be the priority. Keep that in your focus as well. Dashing with the children will cause more harm than good. Stay steady. Good luck.

  3. I am a recently dumped, and have realized or think I realize how stupid I was with this girl. I have never had difficulty with meeting or dating females and have always been able to leave it behind with the exception of one previously in my early twenties. This most recent relationship started about six monthes ago and was doing great. Then in February, I was at a party and walked in on the girl I was dating before her, naked with someone else. Although I had no interest in her, this somehow upset me greatly. This previous girlfriend and I have dated only shortly and I had ended it 1 month before I met the most recent one. She was needy, codependent and carried a lot of emotional baggage, overall not a good match for me.

    The next day, I was withdrawn and felt as though I didn't want to be with anyone. I ended it with the current one, who I will furthur refer to as anna, that day. Shortly thereafter about a week or so, I realized I had made a mistake with her and I let something stupid effect me. We talked and got back together, now however I was insecure and it showed with ridiculous jealousy. This has driven her away from me. She dumped me approximately one week ago. She is the nost strong, beautiful and wonderful person I have met and I have fallen hopelessly in love with her (This is not usual for me). Over the twilight of our relationship, we began to tell eachother we loved eachother, even the day she left me she said that she did, but that she felt beat up by our recent events.

    I realize that I took her for granted and that I never really tried to make her feel special now. And, everyday since we broke up I have been trying to show her how important she is to me. I feel that if you care, you should be open about it. I love her dearly, she said she loved me, I dont understand why she isnt willing to work out our problems. Neither of us are someone who takes those words lightly. So, even though I have texted her and sent flowers and called I have had no responses since. I am miserable and I cant get her to talk to me. Dont get me wrong, my text havent shown weakness, the have been friendly and confident and in none has the been any grovelling or begging.

    So, I found this website and it has helped me cope with it somewhat. At first, I didnt agree with this NC stuff, I guess I still dont want to. I dont want to hide my feelings, I want her to know how much I care.

    Please help

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