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Posts posted by bluestreetcar

  1. I've been dating my boyfriend for about 4 months. I recently found out that he's been doing cyber sex through postings and e-mails. I am very hurt because we have a very loving and connecting relationship. We planned to have a family.


    I confronted him and he told me that this has been a way for him to get the stress out, especially when he feels frustrated about intimacy. He has some intimacy problems rooted from unloving parents and unhappy childhood. He also said that more than 50% of men do cybersex or really "do" it in real life. He hasn't met any of these playmates from the net and it's sorta like a fantasy or game he creates. At least, he claims.


    I know we love each other very much but I don't know if I can live with this behavior of his for the rest of my life, without pain. Actually, I don't understand why men still want to browse porn site, do cyber, while they're in a loving relationship. These men will eventually sleep around more than likely, right? I guess there's no definite answer, but I've been struggling since.

  2. Hi there.


    I never wrote ever on internet but anywayz, I've been dating a sperated man, who's about 20 years older than me for about 4 months. We are very connected and in love. I never felt a special connection with someone before, physically, intellectully and spiritually. But because of his marriage status and past dating pattern, I can't find myself fully trust him. I'm in late 20s.


    So yesterday, I secretly found out from his e-mails that he's been posting on-line to seek bisexual intercourse and have trans watch or join too. I feel very hurt because for one reason, he never told me his bi-sexual, and the other reason, that he's being dishonest with me. We have made plans to get married and have a family together. But this reality struck me right on my head.


    I don't think I can ever trust him again, but I can't stop loving him and I'm so confused why he is what he is. I don't know how to put myself together. It hurts me so much. I don't know what to believe in anymore because I thought I had found true love.

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