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Posts posted by yip1010

  1. thank you for all your input. It was nice to hear all different views. The reasons we broke up were because:

    1. Didn't spend enough time with her b/c I was busy for my job

    2. I was having a little financial trouble in a period. So, didn't treat her nice financially. No travel and shopping for a while but working second jobs

    3. Spend too much time with family, not her during holiday and weekend

    4. She complained I didn't put her on top of my priority list

    5. Careless.


    She said lots of stuff to put me down when we argue but she had no doubt I will have a good career and future. Her attitute was "why should I put up with this with a man nothing good?". That hurt b/c all the friends and family are very proud of me in term of career and accomplishment. So, the more I heard about the complain, the less care I will be, more and more add up then she quit. I backup one step, she backup more step. Anyway, we know each other so long as friend and always had good time hanging out and doing stuff together. But things change when we date. I know I still have spot in her heart but not good enough for her to come back at this time. She kept sending me mix signals.


    One other reason she doesn't want to come back is she feels my family hates her after we broke up b/c my sister heard the story. Plus she didn't believe I will change.


    I guess the best way for me to do is slowly moving toward NC. I used to want her back very badly but now is "don't care" after I try my best in my side. This is my first time being friend with ex

  2. Your situation similar to mine. My ex-gf broke up with me and see someone else very soon. She kept want to hang out with me as friend. She told me was unhappy with him but didn't want to leave him. When I decide to NC, she will find something to do with me. So, it seems that I cann't get away...


    Now I decide to NC just a week, she calls me again to go to a park with her on her birthday. What happen to her new bf? I will go for her birthday but NC after that.


    My vote is NC and see if she calls you back. If she calls you back for something silly, ignore her. You want to let her know you still love her but you need to move on if she doesn't mean to give you another chance. This is what I'm going to do for my ex-gf after her birthday.


    We are on the same boat man.

  3. My ex-gf and I broke up about 3 months. She was seeing someone else very soon after. I was very piss but love her still. So, we started talking & did stuff together as friend two weeks after. I was trying to ignore her but she kept ask me to join this and that with her. She always told me she wasn't happy with her new bf. I've asked her for last chance twice but she didn't want to leave him but want to keep our friendship. She is not willing to give up our friendship for her new bf either. Until last weekend I stop contact her for more than a week. I didn't plan to call until her birdthday which is this weekend. I would expect her to hang out with her bf but she ask if I want to go to amusememt park with her on her birthday. She mentioned the park thing to me on the phone when I call her up for work related stuff. I ignored her. Next day, she call me up and ask if I want to go because she got free tickets from her company. So, I was thinking about it for awhile then say "yes".


    My confusion was why she always find something to do with me when I try to go away but didn't want to give me the second chance. I will try to make the best out of it for her on her birthday but plan to NC after that although I still love her. Any suggestion what should I do?

  4. PB and Liq.. thanks so much for your reply. We argued mostly about my past (I used to date around). She also complained that I didn't try hard enough to treat her well and spend enough time with her. I was a little too busy in my career with two jobs. She said I was too conceited. She got mad when I try to explain things.


    We went to a nice restaurant to eat last Friday. I was mistakenly ask her for another chance but she turned me down (not the right time). Anyway, we talked on the phone after we all got back home for a few hours. We always end up arguing when mention about the past. So stupid. The only way to keep our conversation going was talking about other stuff not who is doing wrong in the past. She told me to move on, don't wait for her etc.. After that, I told myself to give up on her and move on but I still love her deep inside. I haven't called her since last Friday. I was supposed to attend the class with her on Monday but I chose not to go. So, I'm kind of using the NC thing right now. Any suggestion or comment on what should I do or if this right thing to do, NC and move on? I still feel that she was trying to test my patient.

  5. PB, thank you for your advice. I feel that she is playing heart game with me. I can tell she still have feeling for me. She asked me to join massage and sport class with her. We always hang out after the class until late night. While we hanging out, her new bf never call her. So, we see each other as friend on Mon. Tue. Fri. and Saturday sometimes. We keep hanging out talking and arguing. From what I see is she keeps pulling me back when I try to walk away. When I try to get closer, she pushes me away. She had told me that her and her new bf did not seem to have anything in common but she is willing to give him a fair chance. They argue a lot because she keeps seeing me. She doesn't want to give up our friendship for his new bf. So, what does that mean? Do you think she is still thinking about getting back together? I do not know how long i can keep this kind of relationship before I call quit or should i call it now see how she react. Thanks bunch for any advice

  6. I need help from this board. My ex-gf broke up with me 3 months ago and see someone else very soon after we broke up. I hate her so much at the beginning but still keep her as friend. We hang out and do stuff together very often last month. She seems split her time with me and her new bf. I feel so sad when I know she was with him and want NC but couldn't do it when she asks me out to do stuff. I'm not sure what she wants from me, as friend or get back together? If she doesn't want to get back together, why she keeps calling me hanging out and doing stuff with her. She also told me the problem she had with her new bf but sometime she use her bf as excuse not coming out with me. I asked her out for a date once and she was thinking about it but finally said she couldn't come out. I was so upset. So, I'm using NC. What should I do to find out what she wants?

  7. I'm in the same shoes. Knowing my ex-gf for 8 years and dating 1.5 year. We broke up recently and she had a new bf but kept calling me to hang out with her. She told me "just friend". So, i still keep the friendship and hanging out with her because i want the second chance. But I'm not sure what she thinks. My first time can be friended with ex because I want to get her back. I believe it's possible only when one still trying to work things out and the other not sure what she/he wants.

  8. sidhat,


    Thanks for the advice. I really want to try NC thing but couldn't do it. We always have good conversation as friends. I feel good after talking to her but feel sad when I know she might be seeing someone else. Her graduation and birthday are coming up (mid June). I do not want to let her go with her new bf for those special days. I want to do some special things for her for these two special events. Should I try my best to get her back or talk to her before that? I'm kind of seeing the chance tof being together in the future but not now. I afraid one day I cannot take the fact that she had left me to date someone else for long period of time if we ever get back together.

  9. My ex-gf and I broke up 2 months ago. The reason was I didn't care her enough plus too busy working. She is going out with another guy who she have been knowing for a while right after we broke up. They don't seem to be good match as far as I can tell from their background. But she chose to leave me after 1.5 year relationship. She knows I love her and care for her. We have so much in common and can do so much together, but...


    After we broke up, she still keep in contact with me said just want to comfort me to get through the difficult time. We hang out once a while as friend and almost email each other everyday. She told me she already see problems with her new bf but I'm not sure what is her signal. Lately, she asks me to join some physical training classes with her after work and I cannot deny not going. The class is going to start very soon. We go out for happy hour once a while just chat and enjoy the companianship. She also allowed me to join her family BBQ in mother's day.


    I really do know what to do next. When I try to NC her, there is always something to pull me back. I do know what is in her mind and what does she want from me? Does she want to come back with me? or just want to be friend? She I ask her for another chance? From a girl's point of view, what does she want or in her mind when she wants to end it but keep pulling me back to see her? I feel like a ball in her hand that she can throw it around for fun. Please give me some input or advice.


    Thanks in advance.

  10. I have talked to you almost everyday this week. She said that she already saw the problem between her and her new bf. She calls me out for happy hour and chat til very late. I didn't really see her talking to her new bf. I did not see her hanging out with her new bf lately. I feel that she is trying to kick me away and pull me back type of game. We emailed each other in flirting way sometimes. I believe she still has very strong feeling toward me b/c whenever i mention our pass, her eyes always red. She is not an easy crying girl.


    I don't know what she wants? Does she want to get back with me? or just want to find out what's out there and comes back anytime?


    Anyway, I just try to understand what she wants. I don't think she know what is she doing right now.

  11. It's about two months since we broke up. I know she is seeing other guy but I do not think they have much going on other than companionship. She left me because I didn't care her enough and too busy working.


    Our "relationship"/friendship is getting better as the time went by after we broke up. We talk and email each other very often like friend. She asked me to cheer for her when she had the 10 miles run and I did. Her new bf didn't show up. After the run, she ditched me to see the other guy, her new bf. I was so...angry but didn't want to say anything. We hang out once a while as friend.


    Lately, she asks me to join some classes (i.e kickboxing and dancing) with her and she helps me registered the classes when I said yes. In mother's day, she allowed me to join her family for BBQ. She also asked me to so yardwork for her. The other guy is working and I believe she doesn't want to let her mom know we broke up b/c her mom likes me. I feel sad when she said she leave me to meet up with the other guy. When I want to step back and forget about her, something always pull me back to see her. I don't know what is in her mind. I still love her and have very strong feeling for her. What should I do and what does she want? I know she is still confusing. She already knew how much I love her, but just didn't want to give me another chance right now.


    Ladies, please tell me what a girl think when she does something like this.


    Ladies/gentlement, any advise or commoment will be highly appriciated.

  12. I don't think you are wrong sleeping with other girls while you are single. Like other said, you do not owe her anything b/c you already try hard enough. You should not regrete if you think you already tried your best to get her back.


    Your situation is similar to mine. I broke up with my ex-gf for about 2 months. She is seeing other guy but i do not think they have much going on b/c I know her. She wants keep the friendship. She came out once a while said just want to help me out to make me feel better. She always tear whenever we talk about our pass relationship. She asks me to join classes (kickboxing and dancing) with her, and invited me to BBQ with her family, why? why? I wasn't as luck as you, I haven't started going out to meet other yet, I will when I think is ready.


    Again, I do not believe you are wrong.

  13. It's about two months since we broke up. I know she is seeing other guy but I do not think they have much going on other than companionship. She left me because I didn't care her enough and too busy working.


    Our "relationship"/friendship is getting better as the time went by after we broke up. We talk and email each other very often like friend. She asked me to cheer for her when she had the 10 miles run and I did. Her new bf didn't show up. After the run, she ditched me to see the other guy, her new bf. I was so...angry but didn't want to say anything.


    Lately, she asks me to join some classes (i.e kickboxing and dancing) with her and she helps me registered the classes when I said yes. In mother's day, I ask her if I can give her mom something and she didn't reject. Then she asked me to go to her house to have BBQ with her family and I went. She also asked me to help her family to do some yard work. The other guy is working and I believe she doesn't want to let her mom know we broke up b/c her mom likes me a lot. I don't know what to I was doing keep stick around her but she is seeing someone else. When I want to step back and forget about her, something always trying to pull me back to see her. I don't know what is in her mind. I still love her and have very strong feeling for her. What should I do and what does she want?


    Ladies, please tell me what a girl think when she does something like this.


    Ladies/gentlement, any advise or commoment will be highly appriciated.

  14. I has been more than a month since we broke up. I know she is seeing other guy but I do not think they have much going on other than companionship.


    Our "relationship"/friendship is getting better.

    We still talk and email each other back and ford. She always purposely talk to that guy on the phone in front of me when we hang out as friend. She always say what to get back certain time to meet up with him when we hang out. I was so stress out when she did that. She told me if I can't take this, just better off not seeing and talking to each other.


    She asked me to cheer for her when she had the 10 miles run and I did. After the run, she ditch me to see the other guy. I was so...angry but didn't want to say anything. One other thing, she ask me if I want to join some classes (i.e kickboxing and dancing) with her and I did. Mother's day is coming, I ask her if I can give something for her mom and she didn't reject. She ask me to go to her house and have BBQ with her family. What does she want? When I want to step back and forget about her, something always trying to pull me back to see her. I don't know what is in her mind. She helps me registered the Kickboxing class already. I still love her and have very strong feeling for her. What should I do and what does she want?


    Ladies, please tell me what a girl think when she does something like this.


    Ladies/gentlement, any advise or commoment will be highly appriciated.

  15. Thank you Lonley26 for your warm advice. You are right, I need to move on and to be a better person. As right now, I'm not really get used to not having her around. The life is so lonely without having a relationship.


    I think my only choice is time. I just very piss off that she found someone so quick. She is not that kind of girl. I would expect her to wait for a while but I guess she is totally gave up on me.


    Anyhow, I still wish she can come back to me so that I can prove to her what I mean change.


    Time can tell...but I feel a little better from time to time.

  16. Similar to my situation. My ex told me to be just friend but keep seeing each other. I was so stupid that I didn't change myself to make her comfort. Now I lost her totally. My advice is if you really love her, show her more caring and love. I make this mistake for not acting, I hope you don't.


    Good luck

  17. Thanks so much for all your response. I do really love her as this moment. I did think about what would I do in the future if she does come back to me but she is gone. She is with other guy right now. I do not think she loves that guy but for companionship. She told me that all her feeling is gone. She hates me so much when we broke up. I ask her for a chance to start over but she said she couldn't forget the way I treated her last year and half.


    I try not to call her but I couldn't. I haven't contact her for a few days but

    I do want to get her back. I'm afraid that if I let her be with that guy too long, I have 0 chance. I do not want her to fall in love with other guy.


    What should I do? Just sit back and wait? It's a little hard for me to go out find someone else at this moment but I will try.


    Thanks again for all your concern

  18. I was dating my girlfriend for about one and half year. It didn't seem long but was long for me compare to my other relationships. We were very sweet at the beginning but things started tearing out ever since I work two jobs. She left me because I didn't treat her the way she wanted it, careless, self center, selfish, didn't put her on the priority, didn't pay attention to her and didn't spend enough quality time with her. We have been trying to breaking up more than 5 times just in a year with the same complains. She always gave me the chance a couple days later. She said I didn't change at all. I think I did. Anyway, this time, she is very serious because she is getting tired of my careless attitute. I didn't spend enough time with her because I was having two jobs try to make the living and plan for our future, but she didn't buy that. The complain was I did not try hard enough to build the foundation.


    I really love her and miss her. I think she was the one for me. She used to think the same way. But now she is gone... She said she had met someone but I don't believe in her. I really want to get her back to my arm, what should I do? Please give me some advice... Thanks in advance

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