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Posts posted by scaredsilly

  1. Can anyone tell me if there are sexual positions that women like better than others, positions that help a women climax or possibly even ejaculate?


    My wife and I tried a position last night that I have been wanting to try for a while, she has told me that she really enjoyed it and how fun it was. She also came pretty quick, which was odd because she thought it would take a while and may even possibly hurt her in that position.


    Anyone that can help out, I would appreciate it.

  2. Is it possible to attain a multiple orgasm from masterbating? I have had them a couple of times before, during intercourse or oral sex from my wife but dont know how to have them again? Can I give myself one? Is there something that I can do in order to help make this happen?


    Anyone who can help, speak up!

    Thank you, I appreciate it.

  3. I agree with you....it could be a test, maybe not...but its definitely not worth it.


    As for finding someone, thats my concern, even if I did agree to do it....I consider myself very picky and clean, I am not willing to just pluck one from the crowd to do this with (even if I could find someone willing).


    As for her, I can see how you feel it is wishy washy....but she is not like that. I think her feeling is that, she cannot provide it and she wants me to experience it. With that said, she is willing to put her feelings about it on the back burner for me to try it once. Now, keep in mind, its not priority for me....its just like alot of other things, if you havent tried your just curious what its like. But, I hardly require it....

  4. OBVIOUSLY....you dont know.


    I have never asked her to do it, in fact, when we dated prior to her surgeries she tried to get me to do it and I declined. I did not want to do something that would be uncomfortable for her, I want us to both enjoy sex and based on her past I knew it would hurt her.


    But, now...

    Because she cant do it, she IS insecure. You are right.


    I could have done it in the past with her or other women and didnt, so obviously its not an issue with me. She doesnt realize that, no matter what I say, she is insecure because she cannot offer it....wether we would do it or not.

  5. Yeah, I would have to agree with you guys, I dont think its worth it. I mean, like I said, it wasnt even a priority for me when I was dating years ago. I just think its more of an insecurity for her now....


    I am sorry if I came accross rude to anyone, I just want everyone to understand where I am coming from. I dont sit around and try to make her feel bad about herself, asking her to let me do it or whatever the case may be. It was just something that has been brought up several times in the past 4-5years and I was curious what outside people thought about the topic.


    Thanks for your help.

  6. I agree, part of being in a healty relationship is making your partner feel good. I AM NOT DEMEANING ANYONE. What you dont understand is that I am not pursueing this, your making it seem like I am pestering her to let me try it with someone and that is not the case at all.


    I am just curious what could happen? Why she mentions it? If I am right by thinking it could hurt us? etc.

  7. Well, like I said, I knew when we were going out and engaged that she had to be operated on. With that said, I knew that anal sex was not an option for us.


    However, she has explained on more than one occasion that she would like for me to experience it. She knows I have never had it and its not a priority for me (if it was, I wouldnt be here), its just a curiosity because I have never done it. I definitely dont lose sleep over it.


    I think from her standpoint, its an insecurity.

    I think that she cannot offer it, so the only way for me to experience it is if I do it with someone else. Even if I was selfish and wanted to do this, I think it would do nothing but cause problems down the road?

  8. I have a question, my wife has a medical condition that prevents her from having anal sex. I have never experienced anal sex before and I knew that her condition would prevent us from experiencing it together once she had her operation. We have been married since 1999 and this has NEVER been an issue for me, however, my wife is insecure about it. She feels (she told me this) like less of a woman and wife because she cannot offer this option to me and allow us to experience it.


    Here is my question...

    It is not a priority for me to have anal sex, since I have never tried it, I dont know what its like. However, my wife has mentioned on more than one occasion, that she would consider allowing me to try it with an outside woman to experience it one time.


    Wouldnt this cause more problems than it is worth? Like I said, its not a priority, I would by lying if I said I had not thought about it though....but its definitely not a priority, its more out of curiosity as to what it feels like. Anyway, to me it seems like it cause more problems than its worth, but at the same time, it seems like everyone could be involved and it could be fun? I guess I am just not really convinced on the idea though....


    Any help would be appreciated.


  9. I am curious to know how many women have sent flowers to THEMSELVES, to try and get attention from their husband or boyfriend?


    From what I hear, this is somewhat common, but I dont understand it. It seems like if a man saw that his wife or girlfriend received flowers saying how beautiful she was but had no name as to who sent them, it would just upset him and make things worse with the couple.


    Has anyone done this?

    Why did you do it?

    What happened or what did you want to happen from it?



  10. When I found out about my wife cheating on me and confronted her, I wanted to hear ever little detail about what happen, her feelings, why she did it, what she did, etc.


    I thought this would help me in understanding her, but now I have more uncertainties than I did prior. I dont understand alot of what she did and how she acted. I dont understand why she lied to me when I brought it out? I dont understand how she could not consider my feelings? I dont understand why she did not protect herself or us? I have many things that I am hung up on, mostly because I believe I dont understand, which is preventing me from moving on.


    Would you want to know the details? If so, how do you try and understand the mindset of your partner? How do you let go and move on???

  11. Yes, I would have to agree, it was the most amazing feeling....but it only happened during oral sex. I have never had it happen during intercourse.


    The few times that it happened, she was giving me oral and I came....then relaxed for a moment and then exploded. It was unreal. We have tried a number of things but dont know what to do in order to get that to happen again?


    I have also heard of men getting these from masterbating? Is that possible? Has anyone heard of this?

  12. I am interested in knowing if there are any tips on how a man can achieve a multiple orgasm from a woman, either during sex or oral sex??


    My wife has given me two multiple orgasms before and we cannot figure out how she did it??


    Anyone have any tips or pointers?

  13. So, the question is....


    How do I get past how I see her NOW? It is very difficult for me, obviously I thought she would never hurt me, but now I know she is capable of much more. How do I get past the resentment I have towards her for not saving herself for me, physically and emotionally? How do I see her like I once did?

  14. I am interested in everyones opinion, but I would like womens opinion on this too.


    Yesterday I posted my story, I am interested in knowing if anyone thinks that things can get better after infidelity has occurred or if there is no hope for things to get back to where they were before it occurred.


    My wife insists that NOW is our chance to start over, when I insist that I dont look at her the same since I found out about what she is capable of. She is telling me that things can and will get even better than they were before, when I am worried that I am just going to waste more time and have resentment towards her for the things that she has done in our relationship.


    PLEASE help, read my other postings and lend advice....

    WOMEN, I am interested in knowing what you think after reading my story and what my wife has said.

  15. I guess even though I knew what happened....I wanted to believe she didnt do that to me and to us.


    Yes, sexually, I have a hard time with her....I am not into it like I used to be with her because I find myself thinking about what she shared with another man.

  16. Thats just it...thats what gave it away and made me look into it. Up until then, she was for the most part, very responsible. That night, she didnt come home, she stayed at her parents 30min away and never called me.


    When she came home, she was acting very different....

    She and I were intimate the next day and she seemed very preoccupied and that bothered me and made me wonder.


    Once I found out everything, I was disgusted and didnt want to be near her. I tried hard to act normal, drop hints and open doors to allow her to talk to me and communicate about what happened but that never happened. It took years of me holding resentment before I told her what I knew and as I mentioned she denied most of it until she finally realized just how real I was being with her and what I knew.


    She claims she was scared of losing me, thats why she lied, but if she was really scared wouldnt she have seen the signs that night and left? When he tried kissing her, wouldnt she have left? Wasnt her ring a reminder of me? I went over and over all the signs and cannot understand why she let it happen and why she ignored all of the signs that seemed to obvious.

  17. One thing to add....this has been a BIG hangup for me.

    Not only was she with this guy physically, but she did everything and did NOT use protection.


    As I said, I found about everything on my own....

    When I confronted her about everything and asked, she did not admit to everything and denied what she had done physically. She played dumb at to what "cheating" was and how far she had gone, but in reality she put me at a HUGE risk not only physically but emotionally because I had to find out through other people other than her.


    I guess I look at it like, how could she have done this to me, betrayal is the worst to me. Let alone have her wedding ring on that night and not see any of the signs to get out of there and protect us, putting me at risk physically. To me, she never loved me like she said...

  18. Thats how I feel, I know I sound like I am controdicting what I am saying....I have so many emotions.


    I dont feel it is acceptable and I dont feel it is forgiveable. I guess I have stuck it out, hoping that something will help me clear it all up and forgive her but deep down I know TO ME its not forgivable.


    She married me FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE right? Well, to top this, she had a low point in her life and I stuck it out with her supporting her and loving her unconditionally. This all happened when I was going through a low point in my life...which makes it harder. I feel like she gave up on me and when the going got tough, she bailed.


    I know she is a good person deep down, but I have been really hurt throughout this. I dont know if she just wanted to forget about it, what I didnt know didnt hurt me (even though I knew all along), if she was doing more than I know, etc...its really hard. Part of me wants to TRY and forgive her, because she has learned and things could get better.....but the other part of me wants to say you had your chance (one chance) to be married to me AND be faithful now I need to move on and find someone that will respect me and hold our relationship sacred.


    Since the beginning of our marriage, she has known how high I hold trust and loyalty. Thats what hurts so much, the hardest thing I ever had to do was look her in the eye and hear some of the stories she told me....knowing what the truth was.


    Also, in regard to her actions....I dont understand it.

    How can someone meet a stranger, after being married and in a relationship for years with someone and attain feelings for them in such a short period of time and be with them physically? I dont understand and because of that, it hurts so much more...


    I agree, her answers may be questionable, but for ME....I wanted to know what happened and to what extent. I guess it was about knowing exactly what they shared and to what extent I was violated. It did not fix it though....

  19. I agree with all of you...its just hard.


    It probably was unrealistic to expect her mind would tell her to come clean. But, at the time, I felt I was doing the right thing by sticking it out with the hopes that she cared enough about me to tell me and try and work on things. Now that I came to her and brought it all out, I am finding it hard to move on past it and look at her in the same way I once did. I love her to death yes, but I still have many trust and confidence issues with her. No, I do not have any proof that she did anything since, but I am not confident that even everything from that one night is out in the open. Maybe she did more with him than I know? Maybe not? Regardless, I have these feelings and dont know how to address them...


    She SEEMS remorseful, she seems apologetic, she seems to have learned....but I look at her differently now. I always thought that if you married a person, that person was the one person that would never hurt you in that way....betrayal. I dont want to second guess my wifes motives, wonder if she is being honest and open with me, question my trust in her, etc....


    I want my wife to be my best friend and I want to be able to count on her, as much as she can count on me.

  20. Several years ago, my wife and I were having communication issues and she went to a party without me. She got drunk, ignored all of the signs and allowed another man to get close to her. She ended up pursuing him and cheating on me with him that night, doing everything.


    A few days after she cheated on me, I found out about everything she had done, but not from her. I tried giving her opportunities throughout the years to bring it up to me, confront me about what she had done, but she never picked up on it. This caused trust and confidence issues within me towards her. For two years I lived with what she had done and it has been the hardest thing I have ever done.


    Recently (in the last 6months) I confronted her about what I knew because it was eating away at me and I felt like we were living a lie together. When I asked her about it at first, she denied it and then more and more came out. I sat there and listened to HER STORY, knowing it was a lie and it hurt so bad that she did not have the confidence in me or know me enough to know I would listen to her and be sympathetic to her. She lied to me, hid details, detoured me away from the truth and did anything she could to not discuss it. She has since told me that it was only because of her shock, knowing she and the man only really knew what happened in her mind and she did not believe that I knew. However, I was telling her things that she did and supposidly only she knew, so why didnt she realize I knew the truth?


    Regardless, I have been living with her and dealing with this for several years now and my heart has wanted to fix things but I dont see change. I think she has learned from all of this, but I was the one to bring it out, if I had not...would she have learned? I feel like I have wasted alot of my time on someone that has lied to me and betrayed me. I am hurt tremendously, dont trust her or have the confidence in her like I want and dont know what to do because I do love her a great deal. I know she is very sorry, but part of me wonders if its only because she got caught? I dont know what else she has done and I dont want to look over my shoulders at my wife the rest of my life.....


    Has anyone got any advice? Similiar situations? Experiences?

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