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Posts posted by trufo

  1. Overall I´m doing rather okay. I still miss you and some days are worse than others. You´ve been warming up to me and regretting the ending of the relationship. I hope that in the near future we can talk about giving it another shot. We had a loving relationship and an intense emotional and spiritual connection. You´ve hinted that you´ve made a mistake, of course I wholeheartedly agree :). Anyway, we´ll probably see each other next week as you´ve invited me for dinner. To be honest, I can´t wait. Really looking forward to how we´re going to connect.

  2. I love you, truly. However you've hurt me so much. You kept talking about true love, being soulmates and being together forever. You wanted to marry me and we got engaged. We've talked about marrying in secret as it only matters to us and not the rest of the world. You've decided to throw all that away, and for what? So you can "find yourself", so you can go other guys? And once you're done and realise that what we had is rare (since you had 10+ relationships, and us being really special regarding the emotional and spiritual connection) you might want to come back. But please don't. I want to find someone that not only loves me but is also willing to work on the relationship. You haven't learned that from your multiple relationships. And considering this was my first, and that I did pretty well, I'll be fine. Someone will come along that's better for me. And I hope you find someone aswell, but you really need to reflect and change yourself. Your pattern won't be broken otherwise. Farewell.

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