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Posts posted by Texas23

  1. The changes in general were doing a better job of planning for a future together, being more emotionally available, prioritizing her and overall just being more confident in myself. 

    it wasn’t one specific thing, it was honestly somewhat vague. I think the advice to not move quickly with the new girl is great, and I think it ultimately stems from not knowing where I’m at with the old girl. 

    My fear is that I try to improve myself only to then find out she’s dating someone new anyway. I don’t want to lose her but I feel like my current situation with us talking but not really being together isn’t good for my mental health. It doesn’t let me move forward and it makes me wonder if we will get back together or not 

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  2. Dated this girl for close to two years. For the most part it’s been fine, as any relationship there has been good and bad 

    More recently due a variety of factors she said we should go on a break and then a few days later said we should be friends. She said she would be open to possibly getting back together but wants me to make changes in myself and it wouldn’t be immediate that we date again 

    Another girl started liking me and wants to start dating. The confusion for me is the original girl and I still talk a bit, but not like when we were dating when we would call each other daily or FaceTime to plan to spend time together. Even though we are broken up I personally feel like I’m in this limbo stage where she is evaluating me for improvement… but I’m not sure how or if I will be able to prove myself to her. The whole situation honestly doesn’t make sense to me - either we work together to patch things up or we make a clean break and move on. I feel uneasy about this 

    Part of me also wonders if I should just move on and open myself to this new girl, but I also feel guilty and conflicted. My friend said to just get to know this new girl and be patient and see how things go, but I don’t want to be unfair to anyone. Not sure what to do or how to seek clarity 


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