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Posts posted by phatgtdmb

  1. flysurfer, i might be able to shed some light in this situation. Im an indian who has dated various races; and know what you are going through. Three of my cousins (indians of course) have married white guys and our fmaily as a whole cannot be more thrilled because they are such great guys (we have accepted them as our family). In your case, your intentions seem true as in the case of my cousins' significant other. I say i knwo what you are going through due to a relationship i was in about 2 years ago. She was indian but a different type of an indian (Punjabi -you might be familiar with this) and i am (hindu). My family of course would have no problem but her family would have a huge ordeal with this. It was the worst breakup I have ever gone through; but, the important detail to that relationship was that she was religiously convicted to make her parents happy. She would do anything to make them happy and I respected that. Although i knew she unconditionally loved me, she would never want to cross her parents and thats just how she was raised. I hope you find peace and a resolution to your problem feel free to pm if you want any more advice. Thanks for reading.

  2. Its definitly hard day by day thinking about it constantly if theres something wrong me or what the deal is. My g/f says the same thing shes just really tired and stressed out about school; however, this never use to be a problem when we dated earlier. I just dont know what to do anymore except maybe completlety stop trying and maybe if she thinks im losing interest in her it will spark our relationship to the next level. I just love her too much just to let her go based on sex; but, if this is to last forever, there would be no way i could handle this...

  3. hey all, thanks so much for your responses! I have talked about it with her and told her that it makes me feel insecure that we dont connect at the intimate level anymore and that I dont need sex everyday (even once a week would be sufficient). But I always get some bs answer and she gets upset when we talk about it again and again And yes, I'm always the one who initiates it (which I hate) but always to no avail. I don't know im just so frustrated, and i agree witht he above poster that unconditional love is definitly connecting on the sexual level (although its not the main component).

  4. Hey all, I appreciate you listening to my story and hopefully can some sort of helpful advice! Let me give you the background, my girlfriend and I have been dating for 4 months; in the beginning of the relationship, we would be very intimate passionately kissing, oral sex, and having sex in general. As of about 2 months ago, everything suddenly stopped, no more sex no more anything to deal with intimacy. I figured something was definitely wrong; however, we are still dating to this day. We talked about our relationship and how in the beginning it was just an infatuation feeling and now its becoming something more sentimental than that. I agree with her completely, she is affectionate to me by grabbing my hand, kissing me (not passionately just lovingly i know this sounds weird), but other than that we haven't had sex or much less "made out" for 2 months now! IM starting to get very worried yet I care for her very very much. I talked to her about it and she claims nothing is wrong (and she doesn't act or do anything to suggest otherwise). What should I do? Wait it out? Stop pressuring into making out (we have had many fights)? Hopefully someone can help!

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