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Posts posted by Beg227

  1. I need some help!


    Ive been with my boyfriend for 8 months and known him for about 10 years. I lied to him about sleeping with his friend about a month b4 we got together. Just a month ago, he found out that I got his little brother stoned. He didnt want me to, but i kept it from him. He was really disappointed in and we broke up for about a month. Now we'r back together and he WILL NOT trust me. I realized how much I hurt him and how much i love him while we werent together. Im never gonna lie or keep anythign from him, but he sometimes calls me a sneak and slut and thinks i just go around having sex with guys which is NOT true. (We'r in a long distance relationship while he's at college) I just need some advice on how to help him to start trusting me. The thought of him cheating on me is always in the back of my mind and he say he would never do that. He hangs out with girls yet, Im not allowed 2 hang out with any boys.


  2. Me and my guy were lovers before a couple. I had always wanted him to be my boyfriend, but he was too much of a player at the time. I decided to play him and I lied about it. He got really upset because I lied and 3 weeks later, he forgave me and we were a couple. We were together for 7 months with ups and downs. He told me not to get his little brother high, but I did and neglected to tell him. He found out and broke it off because he says he cant trust me. And Im not open enough.


    Ive had a the worst last week of my 18 years with him breaking up with me and my close grandmother dying. Ive realized so much from this horrible experiance. I feel so lost without him and REALLY need him back in my life. I've never loved someone like I love him. He says he still loves me and misses me, but its just too hard for him to trust me. I need me serious help to get him back. Any advice would be greatly appreiciated.

    THANK YOU!!!!!

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