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Posts posted by Robbie90

  1. Hi guys, if you've read my other posts you already know a bit. Yeah I'm still with her, because I do love her. But there are a few things I don't understand and I was hoping you could help. 

    She says she misses me, but takes forever to answer and I've asked what she been up to and she won't tell me much. One afternoon she got defensive saying she been doing things about the house ( and I was just asking, making conversation ) 

    She won't add me on social media ( Facebook, she first added me and then unfriended me without saying. When I asked her she said that it was because of women I had in my friends list since high school. So I deleted all of that and she knows. And on Instagram she has never wanted to add me, lied saying she never uses it and then keeps sending me instagram videos. When I confronted her about it she laughed) despite me posting photos of us together, saying I'm in a relationship, etc. With the excuse that she doesn't want to make it official to her family yet. 

    Only met her mother because her mother saw a phot of us in her house ( which she used to hide) and one day she happened to turn up at the same place we were eating. But she's met mine. 

    She sings and whenever I go to see her she makes us hide away ( before the concert, during the break and after) 

    She gave me the key to her place, and whenever she seemed to be upset for reasons I couldn't understand I would go to see her to talk with her. But she hardly ever wants to talk about what's wrong. She took the key from me. Then said one day she had a nice keyring for it, I didn't think much of it. Then she left it there with the new keyring on it. So I told her I liked it very much and did that mean I could keep it. She first said yes and straight away said "well you can use it while you're here and then leave it" 

    We are supposed to go to Rome for Holliday in May, I've got the tickets and sent her hotels to check out. I asked her if she had checked them out and she got angry saying she hadn't had time. Still waiting. 

    As I said she takes forever to answer, doesn't want me to sleep with her every night. She ignores my messages. 

    Ive been trying to cook for her more, have lunch ready or dinner for when she comes back. Yet she complains about the oil ( it's normal if you fry stuff, and she does the same) I wash the dishes all of the time, help her take out the dog, the Rubbish, clean the house. Because I love her. Yet the other day she was ill ( apparently this is why she didn't answer my text) so the next day I went over to help her. I hadn't slept much and she left me sleeping. Only to later on rub it in my face. I said let me do the dishes, and she said that I don't do the dishes. When I'm always doing them. I would have never done that to her. If she needs to sleep she needs to sleep. 

    I also pay for a lot of our food, nights out to dinner or lunch. It just seems like she disappears when I don't see her and then will hardly tell me what she's doing. She doesn't want anybody at work to see us either if I wait for her outside. 

    I can't tell if she's serious about us, she says she loves me, has cried about her insecurities thinking that I don't like her when all I do is want to see her all the time, talk to her over whatsapp and she doesn't want to talk much, I've more than proven that I love her. 

    So I have no idea anymore if she's serious about us or not. We even went to see a house together to live together, she didn't like it so we said to see more. I sent her more houses and she never got back to me about it. Yet she seemed excited... 

    When I try to talk to her about my day at work or something I know about like forex she just cuts me off. Yet I always want to hear about her day. 

    By the way, when I talked to her about the key, social media, meeting her family, she said that she wants to take things slow to get to know me better. Yet we've been dating a year... She's never posted a picture of us yet she takes photos with me. 

    So it just all seems so confusing, mixed, and I feel at times like I'm being a pain or I'm below her. She treats me as if I know nothing. She doesn't seem to take me serious yet other times she all love and cried and says she loves me a lot. 

    What do you guys think, is she just stringing me along and using me for sex, money, attention? She has this other guy at work, a friend who she said drunk one night that we was going to paint singers for her. And he would do it for free... She said she offered to pay. She also said that she can talk to him about anything, which she should be doing with me. Haven't said anything as I don't want to seem insecure. 

    Just don't know where I stand with her. If it's me or not. If she's serious about us or not. 

    She doesn't want to decorate for Christmas either, yet she used to. Won't tell me why she's doesn't want to. 




  2. Hi guys, 

    I've been dating this woman for a year now, we met at work. She left her bf for me, and left the job and works now at a hotel. 

    Anyway, we have our ups and downs like all couples. But she already once said about breaking up. I worked extra days to buy her birthday gift, she said it was ***. 

    She wanted to meet my mother so she met her, but still hasn't I troduced me to hers. She talks about the future as if we're together. 

    But then she doesn't want me to sleepover if we have different shifts. She talks to me at times like a child. 

    She gets angry all of a sudden, instead of actually talking about the issues. 

    We went on a trip recently, first day great, rest utter crap. We couldn't find this place, and got lost a couple of days. Despite I was the one doing all the driving she was the one got the most angry. 

    She won't add me on Instagram, has me silent on whatsapp, and despite talking to her about these she's done nothing. She doesn't seem to care if I get angry, she just laughs. But if she gets angry it's the end of the world. 

    She has said that I have my own life, etc etc because I have a son with my exgf. I've tried to include my current gf in activities with my son but nothing. 

    I really don't know what to think at this point. 

  3. Thanks to anybody reading this first of all. 

    I've been dating this women for the past 7 months, everything was great to begin with. She's 37 and I'm 32.

    Unfortunately she's gradually seemed to have lost interest, she has several times caused arguments and when I've caved in she's made displays of love ( sex, showing me all the notes I used to leave her, cook for me, etc) 

    She never wants to apologize, and have seen her smirk on a couple of occasions when I've got angry or fed up. 

    She's doesn't want to go out with me on dates, she no longer sends me her schedule so I don't know when she works, and we have been seeing each other everyday after work at her place ( I sleep there)

     Every time I've not slept there she wants me to go. But when I go she doesn't seem happy nor excited, and nitpicks at a lot of things. 

    I've always insisted on talking things over, as I'm not perfect but I want to make it work. She never wants to talk and gets arrogant. 

    She's has said twice already that she doesn't care about my feelings. And the other day slammed the door in my face ( she was angry because I set several alarms, I am usually very tired and i need them. I woke up a bit later because I was extremely tired from work the night before and she wanted to sleep in. I even set them just in case at the same time she usually wakes up. She shouted she wakes up at whatever time she wants, didn't want to listen to me and slammed the door in my face) 

    After she slammed the door I left went back to my place. She didn't text, just put some song on whatsapp about being hurt, etc. Later that night at 1:30am she sent a text saying good night. I replied next day saying good morning. 

    No answer. 

    Last week one night she said at 08:30pm that she was going to bed and we could see each other the next day if I wanted. Apparently she had been out all day with her father. I thought that maybe she had morning shift. But she didn't, and she wouldn't usually go to bed so early. The next day I got there before her ( she gave me a set of keys) and noticed she had hidden our photo and the notes I mentioned earlier. 

    When I asked her about it she said it was because of her aunt. But her mother has already seen the photo and her aunt knows about me.

    I haven't met her family yet either.

    Sorry for such a long text, it's a bit difficult to express myself properly here. But I would greatly appreciate any ideas, suggestions, views on this matter. As I do love her, as I have shown her many times. But now nothing seems good enough.

    Thank you



  4. Hi everybody, first of all thanks for reading. 

    A few months ago I finally told my crush I liked her, we work together. She politely turned me down saying she had just got out of a relationship, and I told her no problem. I understand.

    Next she starts commenting about how hot this guy is, other guy is, etc. I already had suspicions she was with my best friend, he denied it several times ( I asked him first if I should tell her I liked her, his response was weird) And he knew I liked her, for quite some time. 

    After a while it became pretty obvious, and I don't mind. But they both work at my job and keep pretending they're not together, laughing at me behind my back ( I've caught them a few times)

    Now they've gone on a skying trip together with her friends, and he's pretending to not be there when I have recognized his car in the photos. 

    Both of them have also blocked their photos from me on Instagram. She told me she had deleted her account, and she hasn't of course. 

    I thought they were both my friends, we've known each other for years. And never expected them to do this. Especially her, that's why I finally got the courage to ask her out ( I was nervous and messed it up as well)

    To be honest I don't mind them being together, it's the mockery and lies that bother me. And they wonder why I become distant, but what else am I supposed to do? 

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