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Posts posted by PlayaNumb00001

  1. Alright I new to all this dating stuff but me and my girlfriend want to take things further. But I am really scared. If you could girls and guys answer a few questions then I will know what to do.


    * How do you make out your first time with a girl? If you have no clue what you are doing what do you do and any pointers to a guy the first time?

    * Having sex when you are not circumcised is their anything bad having sex with a girl while you are uncircumcised? Any pointers on that one and do most girls freak out about it or do they not mind? Because before you put the condom on you pull the skin back and it's like a circumcised penis for the girl? Are there any up and downs while doing it while you're like that?

    * Fingering a girl the first time what do you do? I know you stick your fingers down their and in and out but are their any good techniques to do?

    * Are their any dangers I need to watch out for?


    Its our both time having sex I just want to be prepared

  2. Alright I new to the relationship thing but when I am talking on the phone with my girl she usually masterbates to our confersation because it turns her on. She said she is going to be on her period soon but my question is do girls still masterbate on their periods or not if not why? I dont understand it and afraid to ask her why.

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