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Posts posted by sassysarah

  1. Well thanks guys for ur replies, its great to hear some kind of advice, i really love this guy, and i will do anything to have it work out. i really believe that he is a wonderful man who has been hurt many times, as have i, i confided in him that i was worried that he is on the rebound, and that it will be awhile until he ok to trust me, and i understood that. he was so happy. he told me he loves me adn that hes so glad he met someone who was so understanding and willing to give it their all, so im just going to keep doing what i have been, and if he does hurt me, well, thats life, it will hurt, but i am a strong person.

  2. My bf recently got divorced a few months ago, as we've only been seeing each other for about a month. the probleum is, his ex wife cheated on him, he walked in on it, and i know it just tore him up inside. We've talked extensivley on the subject, and he swears up and down that hes glad that it happened, that to be quite honast, he never really loved her, he basically married her because she was loyal to him, and he felt that she would never hurt him, like hes been hurt in the past. My whole thing is, i believe him that he never loved her, i even believe him that hes glad it happened and its over, but he had to have married her for a damn good reason, since its only been a few months i know hes not over it, and i dont expect him to be. this has created trust issues between us, but i dont want to pay for her mistakes. they have a child together, so of course they have to see each other and speak and remain civil, but my whole thing is, why am i the one that has to pay for her mistakes, of course their relationship is over because of it, but she obviously dosnt know how much it really hurt him, and i think she should, i really dont want to get in the middle of it, but its kinda late for that i suppose. i just want him to see that i truly love him, and would go to the end of the earth and back for him, and that he can trust me, i could never look into those eyes of his and hurt him, i would hurt myself too much. I have told him this, several times, and i know hes starting to let his guard down, im just afriad that se scored him too much for him to truly love again, never mind trust again. what do i do........

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