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Posts posted by soulful27

  1. In response to what jbaskerville said, he's never indicated specifically that he would want a relationship with me. He is seeing somebody else, but I don't think that it's very serious or that it ever will be. The other guy is a grad student here and it just doesn't look like it's going to work out (of course this is me speaking with a huge amount of bias).


    I think that time is a good idea too. And I want to make sure that this isn't just some intense crush that will pass. That said, it's difficult to see him and think that he's the right one for me and still go after other guys. I feel like there's no point because it wouldn't work out as well as it would work out with him. I've become a tad cynical and pessimistic when it comes to other relationships because of my feelings for him.


    He does make me feel comfortable, but I'm comfortable in most situations and with most people and have been since coming out. Thank you guys so much for your suggestions. It looks like time is the answer then for now. We'll see how it goes. Maybe I'll focus on my studies more or start reading more or something to get my mind off of it. Until then, oh well.





    Stay soulful everybody!

  2. A little bit about myself before I launch into this whole thing. I'm a freshman at a university in Boston. I'm gay, secure with my sexuality and out to anybody who cares to ask. I live in dorms, in a suite that has a common room attached to two double bedrooms and a bathroom. I have 3 roommates, one who sleeps in the same room as I do. This is where it starts (and I'm sorry if it's a bit long).


    My roommate and I have become best friends here. He's bisexual (more into guys though) and is currently "seeing" somebody. Their relationship is brand new and, in my opinion, built on sex more than anything. I started to get a crush on him early on this year, but I figured that that might happened seeing as how we both like guys and wasn't too worried about it. I thought that it would go away if it ever happened. Instead what happened is that we became better friends and I saw myself with him more and more.


    He's told me that he thinks I'm attractive and he knows I think he is. We're closer now than I've ever been to anybody. We live together. We eat together. We are comfortable together. We complete eachother's sentences. As all of this developed, I started to like him more and more. I may even say that I'm falling in love with him (as much as the idea scares me). I've had crushes in the past; I've had really serious crushes. But this is different and more than that. I don't want to just have sex with him or be his boyfriend. I want to spend all my time with him. I want to share my life with him.


    Now, I know that I'm only 18 (19 soon) and that these are serious things to say and serious feelings to have. I know that I may be naive to think that this is love, but all I can go on is what I feel and I know I've never felt like this before.


    Should I let him know how I feel? We will almost certainly be roommates for the next 3 years of college. I don't want it to be awkward between us, but I'm going crazy with these feelings. I'm not scared of losing him, because I think he'd be there for me no matter what, but I live with him and it would be awkward if things didn't work out. I'm stuck and he's sleeping soundly in the bed next to me right now. Any advice?



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