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Posts posted by lct300

  1. Thanks for the advice!! I do think about what he has done to me and it makes me so mad because I swore I would never let a guy do this to me... I think part of the problem is because I never saw this coming, we were so happy and talking marriage, we have liked each other for almost 10 years but we finally got together 2 1/2years ago and I thought our relationship was great, we hardly ever fought we got along just fine... that is what hurts me the most, I wish I could have seen this coming but instead I was blindsided. But even though he cheated, I still love him... But I know deep down I do deserve better.

  2. Hi... I have been visiting this site for the last couple of months and have followed the great advice that has been given... It has been 10 months since my ex and I split up and I miss him like crazy!! He broke up with me because I caught him cheating... At first I did the begging, crying, and pleading but that got me nowhere with him... But then I decided to start the NC rule... That is when he would contact me over the stupidist things...


    Well the last time I saw him in person was in August and that is when he asked me to watch our cat so his apartment could be painted... Over the next 4 months I only heard from him 3 times, needless to say I still have our cat... I still love him and miss him and I know he still loves me too but I just don't know what to do... Everyone thinks that he is scum and I should move on but I still love him... What should I do??

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