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Posts posted by Skatterbunny

  1. On 9/16/2023 at 12:06 AM, Coily said:

    I find it very disturbing for a doctor to not even give a cursory exam if the areas of complaint. Sure it could just be as he said; but how long does it take to listen to a patient's lungs or heart? 3 minutes? This quack just did some blood work, saw the eczema and decided he had better things to do.

    I won't speculate on anything you could have, but the fact you are having chest pains and it's not a heart attack, suggests they do more tests or diagnosis. I would  demand a second opinion, call around to some of the other doctors and express that you need a second opinion not being admitted as a regular patient.

    Even at 47, there could be congenital conditions, flukes of biology, really anything at any age. Don't let his tee-time get in the way of you getting answers.

    I am a bit animated on this, I had a doctor who refused to x-ray my knee injury or address other injuries and brushed it off as me getting "older" at 26. My fractured kneecap healed, but still causes me occasional problems. Same happened when I had mild Covid, but I had diagnosed pneumonia complications; they were content with sending me away. As a result I have very low trust with Doctors.

    I thought he would have at least listened to my heart with a stethoscope and pretended to be a doctor. Lol.  Or checked my blood pressure?  How do they know my blood pressure wasn't sky high? The blood test lady never took it either. 

  2. On 9/16/2023 at 1:02 AM, Seraphim said:

    Blood tests would show whether you had a heart attack or not . If you go into a hospital with a suspected, heart attack, they always do blood test to check initially . My father had a heart attack . My husband went in for suspected heart attack and they did blood work and said , no, you are fine. They did say it was a panic attack and he did have severe anxiety at the time . 

    Do you have anxiety? Anxiety can cause chest pain if severe enough. 

    No major anxiety or panic  attacks at all. I have been under massive amounts of stress in last 7 years of life though.. major life events that I have struggled to deal with.  I at times used to get chest pains when really upset but these ones just feel different. I just don't look or feel healthy. The pain is back again today just dull but there still. I don't want to go to a hospital and wait 10 hrs to be seen if it turns out to be not much. I've also been gaining a bit of weight it feels like fluid maybe around my stomach and I have been rail thin my entire life. I put it down to middle age until my friend said it could be fluid if my hearts not operating at full health.  I wish I wasn't petrified of doctors and especially hospitals. Makes caring for my health hard. 

  3. So I went to see my doctor last week with a few issues. I'm a very reluctant patient and have a major fear of doctors so me going in means I have something really wrong.

    So he deals with my other complaints and then I told him that a few days ago I had been experiencing bad chest pains and it had hurt for approx 3 days straight and I am exhausted and feel I may have had a heart attack. He said ok let's do some blood tests. So I have them and went back for results today. He said this is fine this is fine your iron and cholesterol are fine blah blah then he said do you drink alcohol? Your liver function results are a bit low? I said nope never drink. He just said well it was probably just from your skin inflammation (I have eczema).. I said should I be getting that checked he said  no it's fine. I asked again about my chest pain and he just brushed it off and sent me home. Not once did he listen to my heart or lungs nor take my blood pressure. Does anyone else find that strange for a doctor ?? I'm 47 so I'm not too young to have a heart attack. I'm still very worried .  But its hard to find any doctors accepting new patients in my town. I'm too shy to say hey you didn't resolve my issue. 

  4. Women who are trying for a family and go to the effort of tests and vitamins and such do not just go taking abortion pills so easily and without ANY input from you?? That is your child too! The one you were both involved in making. So the fact that she did this without even discussing it with you first is shocking! A child is one of life's major events and she ended that chance for you without any input? How would life be when other major decisions come up.? You don't get a say? Sounds to me like you could be right. She did the maths and figured out she couldn't convince you that it was yours and had to opt out incase you figured it out. Or the father was black and your not maybe. Either way you deserve someone who's truly honest and committed to you to have children with. She is not the one. You will know when you meet the right person it won't be this much pain and effort. Good luck. Xo



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