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Posts posted by TylerD

  1. Ya I want too talk to them so badly. Or well just one of them anyway doesnt really matter. I saw one of them today and oooh lol i was so close but she was with her friends. And i want to get her alone when I talk to her not to be freaky or anything. But it would be less preassure even though she is in gr 9 having all her friends around watching might embarras her and me lol. I would probably screw up what I say too just talking to her by herself let alone her friends standing there. But oh well hopefully tomorrow all goes well. I need to talk to her by the end of this week because the term is over and that means classes switch which means it might be harder to find her cuz her class this term is right beside my english class so its more conveient too see her when we get out last period. Just have to build up some courage and go talk to her. Anyone get advice on how to start a convo with a complete stranger and at the same time not scare her off???

  2. Lol you must have misunderstood me. I dont want to go out with both of them. I actually more less would like to be friends with both of them and yes that is what I was thinking just get one alone and talk to her. Lol by all means im not going for double action haha. But I would really like it if i could just get the courage to go up to one of them and talk but I dont know lol. I have wanted to do this for the past couple months and just havnt been able too. Even my friends are saying how I should but damn its just so hard going up to a girl who has no clue who you are and then start talking with them you know what I mean.

  3. Ok so I've got a bit of a problem and ive been to this site before and posted but its been a long long time lol. So anyway my problem here is that for the past couple months Ive notice these 2 twins in gr 9. Im in gr 12 by the way. And anyway I think they are really good looking but none of my friends really notices them they just kinda think w/e about them sorda thing. But for some reason something about them attracts me. And recently I found out they are religious and christian and all that. But I would really like to get to know them. And I am a little nervous cuz I have asked around about them and no body really says anything they dont know a hole lot about them. And no I dont care about the age. My favorite quote is Age is an issue of mind over matter if you dont mind it doesnt matter lol. So anyway I just wanted some advice on what I should do. Because since they are religious Im not sure what I should say and stuff and they are younger I dont want to scare them at all. They might think its weird i just come up out of the blue and talk with them. So if anyone could tell me what would be best and a good way to start a convo off I would appriciate it thx so much.

  4. Ok so I have this problem there is this girl I really like. But she has no idea I even go to the school. Well maybe she does now because I asked some of her friends what her name is. So anyway what I want to know is how can I start a convo with her and not intimidate her. But also at the same time she takes me serious. She is in gr 9 and I in gr 12. She might just think I am a weirdo and wont know why I want to talk to her. For some reason I just see something in her its weird but I dont want to get into it lol. So anyway how could I start a conversation with her and her take me serious

  5. Thx guys for all the replys. And to clarify the topic a mistake. I didnt want to get into detail but I have wanted to talk to her for a while and friday i was going to but then asked a girl that i saw hangin out with her if it would be alright to talk with her. And the girl said no because she is really religious and wouldnt like me so i started talking with this girl and she gave me her number although i didnt even want it. And I think the other girl saw. But now I realize people tell me that the religious girl i found her name is Jodi she doesnt hate me and what ever the other girl said what just making it up. But there is alot more too it then that lol just dont want to go into detail But hopefully i can talk to her soon hopefull lol.

  6. Ok so there is this girl i find really attractive and i always catch her staring at me which I like. But I have been talking to people recently and they have been telling me she is really religious and doesnt do anything bad like swear, drink, party, or any of that. And thats ok but im total opposite i do all that stuff. So i was just wondering is it still worth talking to her even though her and me might be completely different people???

  7. Thanks for the replys guys. But i am not too worried about the age gap anymore its talking to her. I saw her outside school today with some friends and had the perfect chance to go and say something to her but i fell apart and didnt do anything lol. Its alot harder then I thought. I just dont know what i would say to her.

  8. I understand that but Alot of my friends have been dating gr 9's. A few years ago it was not that common but now more and more people do it all the time. I dont think people will have a problem with that. But i just dont know what to say to her. A 9th grader I dont want to intimidate her. I want her to like me. What would some people say would be a nice way to start things off with a younger girl like that?

  9. I recently just noticed a girl that goes to my school. She is in gr 9 as I am in gr 12. I have not talked to her yet I dont even think she knows who I am but shes is very good looking and no one seems to really notice her but me. I have 2 questions what should I do. My friends tell me all the time to talk to her but if I just go up to her one day out of the blue and talk to her wont she think I'm just trying to be funny or stupid. And 2nd is gr 12 dating a gr 9 a big age difference or is it farelly normal?

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