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Posts posted by deyra

  1. I'm not sure what he wants to do. What I know is he loves me and that I hurt him. He originally said even though he was in love with me, he would never allow himself to have feelings for me again and he didn't want to work it out. I was very honest with him about everything that has been going on inside me and now I'm dealing with these issues from my childhood that make me feel we can't be together right now. He is more open to communication right now. I just don't think it will work if we were to get together right now, as much as I want to. I also don't want to have him gone forever. I've told him I love him and would like this to work in the future. So, I simply don't know at all...

  2. I would be supportive for her via email, where you can keep some kind of distance, but still show her you can be there for her. If she pushes for face to face or phone contact and you're not ready. Be honest and tell her you aren't ready to see her yet. But tell her she can leave you a message when she needs to, etc and you'll email her. Be supportive and caring as a good friend with the written word.

  3. I am getting help - I just started therapy to deal with these issues that stem from my childhood that have messed me up. Always I pick the wrong men until this one. He was loving and sweet and decent and I couldn't take it. He knows I would like another chance at some point down the road. I just can't try and do it now since I know I would ruin this again and that's the last thing I want to do. I simply don't want to lose him forever.


    But I'm trying not to bombard him. The therapy is important and it's hard because it's dredging up a lot of stuff that difficult for me to handle all on my own. I miss my confidante (him).


    I'm just paranoid that time spent away from me means he'll realise he's better off without me.


    I guess I'm just trying to find the right medium to deal with this. Does any of this make sense?

  4. If anyone has some advice. Our relationship was short (just on two months), but intense - we saw each other nearly every day and spoke all day long all the time, whether we were going to see each other or not. We fell in love, but my issues forced us apart. He said he's not ready to be friends because it would be hard to be near me without holding me or kissing me but he's open to emailing. I would like for us to get back together but I know I need time to sort myself out because I don't want my issues interfering. I just don't know the best way to approach. I don't want to bombard him, but I don't want him to forget about me, either. Help!

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