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Posts posted by Mastermind

  1. I don't think most girls would run off with your jacket. But I would ask her, "Are you still cold?". If she replies with a yes then I suppose you could lend it to her for the day if it's not too much of a problem. But I see most girls appreciating the initial gesture so they would give it back to you. Although you could insist on her holding onto it, like if she is clearly still shivering or cold and wants to give it back to you, then that can score you even more points.


    As for the courtesy thing in general, it definitely helps in terms of good impresions. As long as you don't come off too eager or desperate to tend to her needs, then everything should work out fine.

  2. Just looking for some brief input or thoughts on some ideas I have for tomorrow. I have become a good acquaintance with one girl and each day we see each other we get to know more about one another and talk more as well. So for tomorrow, I was thinking of doing something nice and easy for her, like a gesture of friendship or along those lines.


    One idea I have is to give her a pair of two fresh white roses as a symbol of innocence and purity. The only thing I'm not sure of is that I already gave her a pink flower as my school was handing them out during a formal event last Friday. I didn't expect to give her anything or that day so it was kind of unexpected. I'm not sure if it would be too redundant to go with flowers again so soon.


    My second idea is to go with a small stuffed animal (probably a teddy bear) holding a corsage or an artifical flower head to make it that extra look.


    Lastly, I can go the traditional route with chocolates. If I go with this, I'll probably just pick up a small box of pralines or something.


    I'm not really planning to go overboard with any of these ideas in terms of spending. I'm just wondering which idea would evoke the most thought based on the most simplicity.


    Thanks for any feedback.

  3. Seeing that she is a waitress, she probably sees many faces on numerous occasions. By this, I suggest you go there next time you are available. If she isn't there, then it's ok. Chances are she'll have her shift when you're there eventually.


    As for the whole phone number ordeal, the key is on making a good impression on her when you decide to give it to her. If you come off as chauvinistic and aggressive, then chances are she's not going to call you. thereforeeee try to relax when you see her and act charming when you talk to her. The easier you make her feel comfortable, the better the chance that she will more graciously accept your number and call back rather than toss it aside. Besides, she's just a stranger after all so there's nothing to lose.

  4. If you want some stuff to talk about, try to talk about her class or something she just had. Better yet, maybe you can talk about how her soccer practice went or something. At least then your making conversation based on at least one of her interests.

  5. If you really want yourself to be known to her, you gotta just go up to her whenever you can. There's no harm in talking to her in the middle of the hall unexpectantly. Besides, if you're not going to do it then, then when will you do it? You said yourself that you don't have any classes with her and after school seems to be too much of a rush. Try not to wait for an oppurtunity, instead, make your own oppurtunity. As for conversational starters, you can't go wrong with what the previous posters already said. Good luck.

  6. I have been that road before but to a lesser extent. To me, it was just a mere teenage crush several years ago. But there are a lot of options you can pursue in this ordeal.


    First, if she is still willing to be friends, I wouldn't let her out of my life just yet. Although both of you may feel uncomfortable around each other, you have to realize that things will be different no matter how awkward you act. If you still feel strongly for her, then you will have to go through a lot of ups and downs if you ever want to go further in a relationship. These feelings are hard to control so I wouldn't blame you for trying to stay in contact with her. This is probably least recommended option by many people.


    You can get your mind off of it by doing some stuff you like. Sports and hobbies can make the time fly by. There's a world of recreational and leisure activities out there. Something must be of an interest to you.


    Try hanging out with friends and meet new people. Most people say that this is the easiest way to get your mind off of someone and onto another, but it depends on your current state. If you feel like you are still depressed, then your social skills may be take a hit too and consequently, you won't have much success with other people just yet. If you think positive and feel confident, then you should be fine.


    Lastly, the safest thing to do for yourself is to relax and take some time alone. Alcohol is only going to make things worse. Just take it easy and try not to let it bring you down. On the otherhand, if you have any anger built up in you, try exercising and working out. Might as well use that extra energy for something productive. You can let it all out in your own privacy so there would be nothing to worry about.


    Good luck and I hope you will do the right thing. 8)

  7. I think it really depends on if a guy can still look presentable with long hair. If a guy can pull off a mullet or a pony tail, then that's a good thing for them. If they look like trailer park trash, then it's not something that anyone, male or female, would really think highly of. Typically hair long enough to barely graze the top of the ears is the thing I'm seeing these days. But you can do so many things with long hair, shave the sides, grow the bangs over your eyes, almost anything these days. Eventually styles will naturally change anyways.

  8. Actually if you make a joke, even if it is a bit at your expense, it would be worth it if it makes her laugh. Even laugh at yourself if you have to, it's not as bad as you would think. Just make sure it's a joke that she will find funny and not take offense to.

  9. An old trick you can use when on the phone is to write down some interesting things to talk about on a notepad or something, just anything to refer to in case your mind goes blank. The good thing is, she can't see you reading off of it. I even still use that and it definitely helps extend the conversation. That way you are well prepared if you don't have anyhing to say. Of course, it's natural that some new and witty things will eventually come to mind while talking too.

  10. In my opinion, it would mean that the other person isn't quite ready yet or has other priorities first and does not want a source of distraction. Thus, they aren't ready to commit to anything major yet. Of course, it doesn't mean you still can't flirt or be friends with them.

  11. Since you have known her for quite a while, I take it that you must have been through school with her for many years. If that's the case, I wouldn't worry at all about her. She seems quite friendly and if you just talk to her when the oppurtunity comes, just make small talk about class if that helps. Also, maybe you can talk about the past too and bring up some old things that she might find interesting.


    I know it's tough to develop feelings for a girl over time even though you have known her for a bit. I've been through it a while ago and now I'm in the process of making up for lost time, so to speak. Just don't worry about what she'll think of you since she seems pretty friendly anyways. I'm sure that after knowing you for a while she's not going to be so judgmental about your approach.

  12. Personally I think it just comes down to taste and what looks good on you. As for myself, I can pull off any colour shirt whether it be purple, pink, or whatever. I've been complimented many times on my style. It's just something I have a knack for. Now I can pretty much buy and wear any colour or pattern.

  13. I can relate to your situation. However, I plan on doing whatever it takes since I have nothing to lose in my situation and you don't either. Don't worry about such unimportant things like people around you. If you worry about it, then it's just going to make things harder. Believe me, I have been through a lot but have learned a lot from it. I have also learned that if you think too much about what her reaction may be, it can cause anxiety so just keep your cool and go for it. Once you start some small talk, in due time it should be a lot easier to talk to her more often.


    Good luck

  14. I must also agree with San123 about personality. One who may not be as physically attractive compared to another can definitely compensate for personality. After all, most people would remember more about a person from personality rather than looks when you get to know them better.

  15. Although most women would initially be attracted to a man who is well-dressed (by well I mean appropriately), confidence and a good personality will eventually become a more of a long term liability for men rather than their wardrobe. I admit that a guy who would wear stuff that is dirty or a generation out of style would immediately cause a girl to turn away. It's just not a good thing to be dressed up in a way that would make girls, or anyone rather, to run away or laugh at you.


    Fashions these days are very broad and I am sure that there is something that fits everyone to some sort of degree of decent appearance. I would also like to add that hygiene is also just as or even more important than one's attire. A guy who showers, cleans his face, brushes their teeth, etc. will definitely also be more appealing to a girl. Even though I am a guy, I doubt that women would be attracted to a guy with yellow teeth and a horrible smell around him.

  16. This is just me but as far as initial physical appearance goes, number one for me would have to be the eyes. I'm not too picky on the colour of them (although a bright blue looks great). As long as they stand out, I can't think of anything more attractive than a bold (yet not too bold), beautiful and radiating set of eyes. A great smile would be next in my books. As for the rest of the body, as long as she is respectively slender and shows signs of staying physically fit, then all of the above would be the ideal girl in my opinion.


    As far as personailty goes, intelligence is tops. Also, sometimes I can find shyness to be appealing to me as well. In a way, I find that it's cute when I talk to a girl who is shy and she blushes. It just makes me want to talk to her more and squeeze some words out of her.


    Okay, so I'll admit that I'm actually describing someone I know. But anyways, I must also agree that girls who are very shallow show no signs of long-term attraction. It's just not fun to stick around girls who can't be serious when a situation calls for maturity. Just makes you think of the time you wasted with them.

  17. I agree with what quidproquo mentioned. I can say that a lot of guys can be harsh and can simply leave you hanging so you it's up to you if you should talk to him about it. A lot of guys like it when a girl can think for themselves and take action too. Also, I think you are better off without a guy who doesn't take the time to acknowledge you and call.

  18. Here are some that I can recall from the top of my head:


    -"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

    The meaning is that love is the union of two people in which they are bonded together so intricately that they feel the same things together.


    -"At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet." - Plato

    Let's face it, love makes us a little bit softer to the point where emotions can just come out naturally and sometimes unwillingly.


    -"You can't buy love, but you can pay heavily for it." - HY

    Once again, love can make us do crazy things. Whether good or bad, eventually sacrifces of some sort are going to be inevitable when love is involved.


    Of course I have many more, but I can't think of any more other than those.

  19. Every man is different in terms of what they want. A man infatuated with a girl will not always go for her, but there is no question that the desire to have some type of connection with the girl exists. It is only up to the guy who has to ask himself if he really wants it.


    In my opinion, if a guy wants something badly enough, he finds a way to get it. That has been my mentality for the last few years and I am proud to say that it has given me confidence and experience. However, I am just one guy and cannot speak for every other male in the world. But from what I have seen, men tend to let trivial emotions, such as fear and shyness, hold them back. I know it's a hard obstacle to overcome, but the ones who are able to get over shyness are the ones who send signals to girls that they really like them. After all, if one cannot be on personal terms with another, who can say that the man really likes a girl anyways? Because that would most likely be just wishful thinking, although there is always someone who will beg to differ.


    Just my two cents. 8)

  20. I agree that eye contact is very important. However, if no words are exchanged, then not much can transpire from eye contact alone. Body language can only tell so much but can be more vividly interpreted along with conversation. If you do happen to make contact in class, then the best you can do is smile or nod (you can also give a slight wave too), especially if you are sitting on opposite ends of the classroom. If you do so, there is a chance that she may expect something out from you eventually. So the best thing to do is make the transition from eye contact to conversation based on instinct. You will definitely see viable results from there.

  21. My friends tell me about that type of stuff all the time, even when it involves each other. What I suggest you do is try to hang around her as much as possible. If you stick around with her more, she'll know you better. With more time you spend with her, the less time it allows for the other guys. Of course, this can also lead to competition amongst the others. So it's really in your control to really stand out. Try making her laugh, girls really like guys who can make them smile. Happiness can leave a lasting impression. 8)

  22. A car is the least thing you should be concerned about when thinking of a date. If the girl only cares about your wheels, then you're better off without her. If she doesn't like standing outside and waiting, there are places to go inside. Of course, the guy can always hold the girl and keep her warm.

  23. As a male, I believe that he has an interest in you. As for his choice of conversation, I believe there are two possible choices:


    A) He is still upset and can't get over his ex. He needs to get it out in the open so you are like his friend whom listens to what he has to say.


    B) He is trying to force some kind of sympathy from you so that he can talk to you more.


    However, the only person that knows the truth is himself. These are just my thoughts from previous encounters so I hope this helps you out a bit. Also, you can always try to turn the tables and change the conversation or ask him stuff as well. I've also had a friend of mine have who had to deal with this type of situation too. When she was talking to some guy who was ranting about his ex, she tried the same thing and made up a story about an ex-boyfriend who broke her heart. It's a sneaky move, but maybe his reaction will enlighten the situation a bit more.

  24. I think you got yourself in a great situation, You two share common interests and enjoy each others presense. Sure you might be older than her but if you really like her too, you shouldn't worry about it. Besides, 3 years isn't that much (although some may beg to differ, but that's for another topic) and there isn't anything wrong with that.


    In my opinion, she probably does like you more than a friend. A big giveaway would be if you talk about anything personal. Also, if she wants you to meet her parents, then I'd say that is also a big indication of her fondness for you. There is not harm in asking her as well. The worse case scenario would be if she all of a sudden you turn into a jerk and start acting foolish around everyone causing her to second guess you. So when you see her parents, just act calm and respectful and you should be fine. As for her friend, don't worry about her, it's hard for a guy to act perfect around everyone all the time.

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