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Posts posted by sararockford

  1. this friend has lied to me on a number of occasions...the last big lie was ridiculous and i found out. i haven't confronted on him yet and i don't want to confront him anymore. it doesn't do any good. i am not in a situation where i can completely cut this person out of my life since he is a work colleague, but i don't want to see him socially. he keeps calling to go out and i don't know what to do. i can only make so many excuses before it becomes apparent that i don't want to be around him...which will only put a strain on the work....what to do....

  2. at first, his lies were clearly because they did not want me to lose respect for him, but the lying has progressed. essentially, the lie I do not want to confront him about concerns vacation plans. I asked this person to take a trip over Christmas as we are both living far from home and he lied a number of times about his plans. Instead of telling me he simply didn't want to travel with me (but still wanted to go abroad), he has lied and told me he is going home. I see this person on an almost daily basis. We email or talk to each other everyday. On a day to day basis, he is a great friend, but he doesn't seem to acknowledge that we are friends outside of a certain sphere. It makes me feel pretty used and I am not sure whether I should continue this friendship on a certain level (very shallow)...confront the person and let the cards fall where they may...or simply walk away from it entirely.

  3. I have a male friend who I have known for a little over a year. We get along really well and really seem to enjoy each other's company. The problem is, he has a lying problem. He is fairly passive aggressive and instead of having any form of confrontation or saying something I might not want to hear, he simply lies to me. I have called him on a couple of the blatant lies....but he vehemently denies the lying. Confronting him only makes things worse and very tense. The tension eventually fades because we both ignore the problems. He can be such a good friend at times...it is just those moment of weirdness and lies that really confuse me. I am not sure if the friendship is worth ignoring the lies???

  4. thanks for your reply.

    at first, his lies were clearly because they did not want me to lose respect for him, but the lying has progressed. essentially, the lie I do not want to confront him about concerns vacation plans. I asked this person to take a trip over Christmas as we are both living far from home and he lied a number of times about his plans. Instead of telling me he simply didn't want to travel with me (but still wanted to go abroad), he has lied and told me he is going home. I see this person on an almost daily basis. We email or talk to each other everyday. On a day to day basis, he is a great friend, but he doesn't seem to acknowledge that we are friends outside of a certain sphere. It makes me feel pretty used and I am not sure whether I should continue this friendship on a certain level (very shallow)...confront the person and let the cards fall where they may...or simply walk away from it entirely.

  5. I have a male friend who I have known for a little over a year. We get along really well and really seem to enjoy each other's company. The problem is, he has a lying problem. He is fairly passive aggressive and instead of having any form of confrontation or saying something I might not want to hear, he simply lies to me. I have called him on a couple of the blatant lies....but he vehemently denies the lying. Confronting him only makes things worse and very tense. The tension eventually fades because we both ignore the problems. He can be such a good friend at times...it is just those moment of weirdness and lies that really confuse me. I am not sure if the friendship is worth ignoring the lies???

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