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Posts posted by liariaco

  1. 20 days ago, I posted that I had been doing NC from my ex for about a month. I truly believed that there was no chance at reconciliation since there had been accusations of infidelity and I didn't think he would ever see that it was not the case so there was no chance for us. Last night, he called me and asked for us to try again! He said that he had been stubborn and had chosen to see things one way and after having time, he took the time to think about some of the argument I'd made and some of the reasons that there was no way I was cheating on him. I agreed to meet with him and am glad to have heard from him. That being said, I am realistic enough to know that it doesn't mean that it is going to be sunshine and rainbows from here on out. I will proceed cautiously and hope for the best. They really do come back!!!

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  2. This thread has been very helpful getting over my breakup. I have currently been broken up from my boyfriend for a month and I am doing NC. It is getting easier, but of course I made all the begging mistakes in the beginning, which slowed my healing. We were together a little over a year and a half and were talking about spending our lives together. Everything was going ok until he started developing trust issues. Some of the things I could have corrected, but there were some things he overreacted to. Needless to say, things ended when he accused me of cheating even though I hadn't. For this reason, I don't think there is any hope of reconciliation even though every bf up until now has made some sort of attempt at reconciliation. Unless he realizes that there was no infidelity, I don't think there is any chance and I am just using NC to work on healing and moving on with my life.


    Here are my previous "ex coming back" stories.


    1. My freshman year of college, I dated C for about 6 months. It was my first real relationship and I was very reserved and ended up causing him to leave because to him, I didn't know what I wanted (which was probably true). We were part of the same social circle so we bumped into each other every once in a while. Four years later, we ended up going out on a couple of dates but nothing became of it and I soon met someone else.


    2. Dated A for the last 3 years of college. We knew that after college, we were going to have to make decisions about our relationship and ended up calling things off to allow us to move on with out lives. Almost 7 years later, he called out of the blue. We were both living in different towns and got together whenever we were in the same town for a while. We actually had conversations about getting things started again (as my 7 year marriage was over) but I soon realized that even after so many years, he still didn't know what he wanted in life. We had made arrangements to meet up and he never showed and never called but as I knew it wasn't going to work, I didn't sweat it for very long. Several years later, he sent an apology for leaving things like that.


    3. My ex-husband asked for a divorce because we were no longer happy in our relationship. I agreed to it because he was right: alcohol and bad decisions on my husbands part had made it hard for me want to stay in the relationship. He still occasionally calls or texts but as his facebook posts show, he hasn't made any changes so there will be no reconciliation for us.


    No happy endings for me but it goes to show, they do come back and perhaps if I had been in the right head space or hadn't moved on from the ex boyfriends (especially #2) I might have put in enough work to make it last.

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