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Posts posted by glitterfingers

  1. I have that. It's very useful. I think it's why I can hear one wrong note in an entire orchestra. It's as striking to me as a red slash in a sea of green. It also works in reverse--color coding things helps me absorb information.


    That is super cool. I'm not sure if the singer Lorde is popular in North America but she apparently has synaesthesia

  2. Basically I have winged it on my own. I have had pretty much zero help for my son or myself. I just went by instinct and my love for him. I just have always accepted him.


    I know it is not much help. Just lots of acceptance and love because I have adored him since before he was born.


    It is helpful, because I won't focus on trying to give her information, if what she needs is perspective

  3. Every 6 mths or so I do some casual babysitting if something comes up. There's a lady I worked with for about 6 weeks in 2016, she has three kids, one of whom was diagnosed with ASD (7 yr old boy) a few months before I came into the picture. She was reluctant to tell me his diagnosis because she refused to accept it. He had a lot of problems - sensory, motor, sleep, emotional, fixated interests and odd facial expressions/body language, he seemed to misbehave and ignore instructions/rules all the time and needed a lot of extra attention in order to feel secure and function normally. Occasional mild meltdowns and liked to have things his own way, rigid/literal thinking etc


    She found him really difficult and would tell me he was just "a little sh**". I felt pretty bad on his behalf, because I could see he was a very sweet child - even if he didn't have a good understanding of or respect for 'arbitrary rules' (such as those set by his mum!). I spoke to her about his diagnosis a few times and she kept saying "it's not autism" - so at that point I finally disclosed. I didn't go into a whole lot of detail about my own diagnosis, but just wanted to normalise the issue - she obviously liked and respected me enough. And her son behaved for me, I would sit with him and let him talk to me about Pokemon for an hour when he wasn't able to sleep. I once heard his mum reprimanding him quietly and he yelled back at her, "I'm not like you!". That broke my heart a little - I don't think he knew his own diagnosis. He just knew he was different


    Anyway, she has asked me a few times in recent months to come back and work for them. Very small/odd jobs, mostly haven't come to fruition but I am going tomorrow and maybe later this month, for an hour once a week


    I don't know why but I have a feeling the topic of her son and ASD will come up. It's been a couple years since his diagnosis, if it is autism it will have become more apparent over time and she may have accepted it by now


    I feel like there aren't enough resources for parents with children who are Level 1. I am wondering if you've found any particular blogs/websites/books/YouTube channels beneficial with regards to parenting a boy on the spectrum (maybe ones that would have been helpful to you when your son was younger) - most of my own personal research has focused on females/adults and I'm worried I wouldn't know how to relate to her (though I relate to him exceptionally well)

  4. No, I have actually seen an angel and a demon. I saw an angel when I was five . I was having a very hard time at the time because my parents were breaking up . And I absolutely know for sure I saw it . And he told me that I would always be all right and that I always had been all right . The demon I saw a few years ago and it had masked itself as a child with black eyes and pointed teeth. It came to me three nights in a row . When my son was an infant I would see a shadow man in a top hat come out of his room. I have seen ghost animals . I see things in my peripheral vision . I can tell people what colour their auras are. I can feel energies even from people all the way across the world . My son even witnessed me see a ghost . Right here in the house that I live in now I saw soldier walk across my bedroom . I shrieked a bit and said oh there you are . And my son came into my room and said Mom who are you talking to . I said didn't you see the man walk out the wall .


    I've got this song stuck in my head now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wcixnwEiik


    When I was in my late teens, before my ASD diagnosis, I explained my alienation from others as being an indigo child. If you look it up on Wikipedia now, it's interestingly connected to ADHD and ASD (which I have both). The idea is an indigo aura and certain characteristics associated with it

    Have you heard of synaesthesia? It's a crossing of the senses - a number of people with synaesthesia report seeing people, sounds or numbers associated with colours. But there wouldn't always be a correlation between what two people with synaesthesia see.

    So if you could see someone's energy as one colour, and a synaesthetic person sees it as another colour, how can you tell if it's something connected to your experience of the world or if it's a part of that person's aura?


    I wouldn't want to know what colour my aura is. I'd be disappointed if it wasn't somewhere between mint green and turquoise, because I'm obsessed with that colour :D

  5. Absolutely he is. I am highly empathetic that is to say I am an empath. He may be too. I " hear" and see energies. I feel énergies and I have seen spirits and Angels and demons. I know that sounds messed up and unbelievable but it is true. I believe he is an empath but not on my level.


    Do you mean you have seen those things as in a feeling/sense that you felt?


    I am agnostic but I used to be a bit more spiritual/religious when I was younger because I had an experience where the room felt brighter and I felt immense clarity, like an epiphany. That is one of the reasons I decided to study science, but since I started learning about science I put that particular experience down to brain chemicals. Illicit drugs that work on certain brain chemicals can give the same feeling to users that I got at that moment


    That's not to say anything of religion. Knowing how the brain induces experiences doesn't discount 'why' those experiences happen. Science can't explain that. We can just say 'how'

  6. I understand. I don't recall what I spoke about when I was younger, but I do recall having trouble finding words to respond when others would talk. Leading to selective mutism. I still struggle with back and forth, there are many awkward silences. But there was a dramatic improvement between age 22 to now (27 in a few months). Brains mostly finish developing around 25 yrs of age so maybe he will show a similar trajectory around that time


    How do you find he is with emotional reciprocity?

  7. I just had to cry tonight . I miss my child. Any parent with a child with autism or has a sibling with autism will tell you they " miss" their loved one. My son was typically social until he was 3 and then he disappeared. And I only " see" him about every 4 to 6 months. It is heart wrenching.


    I've read the first few pages and the last few pages of this thread.


    I'm just wondering if you could help me understand this a bit more? Do you feel shut off from your son even when he is physically present, because he's not as emotionally expressive as other people?

  8. Absolutely, the test is flawed for anyone other than your average person.


    I'd be interested to see how they measure the intelligence of a person who is blind and deaf. Would you give them a low score because of how they adapt to the testing requirements?

    Hellen Keller was obviously brilliantly intelligent

  9. My son scored 93 on the traditional test . He has adapted to severe disability quite remarkably so obviously he can't be lower average . That would make no sense . He is also incredibly verbal in that if you tell him things verbally he "gets it ". In fact the psychologist who did his testing said he is extremely unusual for an autistic person in that he is quite verbal . In that he learns almost exclusively verbally . So he is extremely difficult to test and very difficult to know where he stands on the global scale . They pinned it at 93 because that's all that they could determine with the present test . But his global cognitive abilities were extremely difficult to measure because he learns verbally not written down . But if we think about it this way what do we do with societies that have oral histories or are just oral . Do we consider them low average intelligence , well heck no .


    He has a great capacity to learn as well . I really don't believe he's low average . He is just an oral learner. Whereas I learn by seeing . Which is more traditional .


    IQ tests and intelligence theory are one of my interests, along with ASD and a few other brain-related things. I really don't think standard IQ tests are designed for those with ASD - I'm not sure which test he was administered, but most spend a limited time on any given subset of the test before moving onto the next one and requiring new rules to be adapted for the next task.


    If you look at a person with ASD who has the ability to delve deeply into a topic and become incredibly adept at it fairly quickly, and to a greater extent than most NTs ever will, it doesn't make a lot of sense to administer a test that requires them to perform a new task every 5-10 minutes. But that's why it measures "general intelligence" which is very loosely defined as the ability to problem-solve in everyday life


    So, everyday life moves fast and maybe those with ASD don't adapt as quickly. But to equate that with "intelligence" doesn't make a lot of sense. And yet that's the ability that IQ tests try to capture ...


    The ultimate reason is that the form of intelligence captured by the test is the one that they can do population studies on to find how it correlates with things like health, career, happiness etc. That's all it really means

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