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Posts posted by Tomthumb88

  1. I'm being deployed for the military for a year and have a few small tree frogs I've been keeping as pets the last few years.   I was hoping to find someone to care for them but I have been unable to and it's getting close.   I suppose I'm going to give them to a local pet store but I was really hoping to find someone to take care of them while i'm away so I could get them back when I return.  

    But the refusal by everyone to do me this favor is really irritating me.   Am I being unreasonable?   The care is pretty easy, you just need to make sure they have water and give them some crickets every week or so but I can get why someone wouldn't want to deal with that, but on the other hand it's the things you don't want to do that you do for others that separates a real friend/family member from a Fairweather associate.  Further, one of my supposably closer friends, instead of just saying no replied with stupid jokes like he was going to feed them to his cat or I should leave them in a river.  A no would be fine but the denigrating pisses me off.   It's like telling him to put his cat or dog to sleep.  I could probably kinda force my parents to take them but they're old and i'm not sure I want to do that.  I'm not going to ask again because It's making me feel like I only have friends who are friends when it's convenient for them. 

    I guess my questions are: 

    Should I just give them to the pet store?

    Am I wrong for being pissed off for everyone's refusal to help me out?  

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