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Posts posted by PLane1375

  1. Wow, it's been a wild couple of weeks reading through all of these! They really do brighten your mood


    I do know one fun story to share:


    A young woman had just graduated college and moved back home, two or so hours away. She'd been on one date with this guy before she graduated, but he was local to their college and still enrolled, so she figured that would be the end of that. Instead, to her utter bewilderment, he somehow tracked down her address the fall after she graduated, drove all the way down to see her, and then ended up tracking her down at a football game she was attending in another town. She was teaching, but still living with her parents, so he had to sleep on the couch that night (and her dad slept in the armchair beside him!).


    They began dating regularly after that. She'd drive up to see him and her other friends, he'd occasionally come down to hang out with her. This lasted for a year or so before she began to get bored with it. They were so different: he was a sports nut, she was a reader; she was quiet and sarcastic, he was loud and happy. She ended up telling him that it wasn't working out and left him in the dust, maybe a year and a few months after they started going steady.


    A few months after that, she began dating somebody different from the college that a friend set her up with. However, it seemed like everywhere she and her new man went...her ex happened to be there. They went out to eat, and he'd sit a few tables away from them. They'd go bowling, and he'd set up in the lane next to them. They'd go to the park on a nice spring afternoon, and he'd show up to play Frisbee. Eventually, she got tired of seeing him around every time she tried to hang out with her new man and so confronted him on the issue while they were sitting in an ice cream parlor. His response?


    "Well, I figured that if you kept seeing me around, you'd eventually figure out that I'm your ideal man."


    She, of course, snapped at him and told him to stop being ridiculous.


    Then she walked back to her table, told her new man that it wasn't working out, and went to sit with her ex.


    My parents got married a year or so after that, and have been together for over 35 years now.


    So, you can do everything wrong, as dear old Dad did, but when there's true love...well, it wins out.


    Post Script: I do not endorse stalking your ex as a means to get them back. I'm 99% sure my parents accidentally lived a couple of years in a B-romcom; it's the only explanation I have as to how that line actually worked for my dad.


    Lol, that's pretty funny, but nice.


    I'm slowly coming to the realization though that I can read all of the stories on the internet but it still wouldn't apply to my situation. You can find stories of every situation imaginable, where an Ex leaves for years, or comes back in a month, or never comes back, because you never know exactly what your ex is thinking.


    But from reading all of these stories, it kind of goes to show that anything can happen.

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