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Posts posted by kel03

  1. I have a little bit of advice...I hope this helps. I think if you're confident in yourself and trust your boyfriend/husband...then porn is just like a toy/tool..it could help and enhance your sex life not hinder it. My bf and I watch porn movies together sometimes and I tell him what kind of stuff I like and we have a very open communication. We both tell each other what we like and the sex is great. He's been very encouraging to me to workout more at the gym and he compliments me on my ass looking better. And the two girl thing is just a fanatasy...he won't act on it, I've talked to him about that too (cause he has that fanatasy as well). I told him if he wants two girls then I get two guys...and he shuts up right away. He's like no way, I don't share. Hehe...oh well then. He's fun, and we're both adventurous...you just have to learn to be inventive/creative and be open to trying new things or else sex will get stale once you're together for a couple of years. Try chocolate syrup, toys, porn movies, different positions/places...etc...and have fun. It's supposed to be fun and satisfying not a chore. And always always ask for what you want, guys like that too...it makes them feel like they can please you and then they tell you what they like in return.

  2. I didn't quite understand your post. Do you enjoy going to those kinds of places to watch them yourself? Or do you want to go because your boyfriend is going and you want to be there? Wait till you're 18 and make sure you go with guy friends that will protect you if someone tries to hit on you (especially drunk guys).


    I've been to hostess bars with my guy friends because some of them go. It was kind of weird though, since I was the only girl there and I wasn't "working" there. If my boyfriend goes to strip bars once in a long while with friends and he doesn't take anyone home and I trust him that he doesn't cheat on me, then I'm cool with it. I'm not the really jealous and possesive type. You can't really control a person even if you're in a relationship, because it just doesn't work that way. You have to find out what you can and can't live with.

  3. How can he cheat on me? You didn't read my post...he doesn't live with his wife, they hardly talk...and we spend so much time talking that we hardly get anything done and I see him almost every night. I really don't think there is anyone but me...he was really unhappy when I first met him and all his friends can see how unhappy he is, now he's much better. I know his friends, I've met them. He is only married in the legal sense. And I told u why he hasn't done anything yet...


    I really care about this guy, I think we are both happy right now. The wife is probably cheating on him, she was the one that moved out, she should just divorce him if she hates him that much, and we wouldn't have this problem now.

  4. I'm in a relationship with a married man too. Maybe my situation is a little different. I'm much younger than he is and we get along great, sex is great and we're both happy. The thing is that he says he's wife hates him and she moved out. I've been over to his house at nights. He claims that he doesn't sleep with her or anyone else...He hasn't slept in the same bed with her for 3 years. Since we have been together he emails me and calls me every night (we talk on the phone for over an hour each night). He says there's no one else but me...and he can't leave his wife because of his son and financial reasons. We spent day before christmas together and new year's eve together and today is V-day and he will be with me. The only problem is that we can't really flaunt this relationship in public...and he's family thinks the marriage is fine. I don't know if we have a future, it doesn't seem like it does. I don't think he'll get a divorce because of the reasons he told me. He says he's stuck. He doesn't love her or her him. I really care about him...and he's jealous when other guys tries to hit on me. He says he doesn't want to share. He says if I cheat on him, he'll leave. We are both really intense and jealous of each other. I don't know what to do, I think I might fall in love with him if I stay longer and I'm afraid of that. I don't want to leave but I'm scared to stay. Not sure what to do.

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