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Posts posted by thedoors50

  1. Well, there's this girl, and I want to meet/talk to her, but I don't know her. I'm just not sure how to approach her, and how to start a convo, or something like that. I'm not sure if this means anything, but as my bus passed by hers she was doing nothing, but when I saw her, she pointed at me, and smiled. What should I do?

  2. theres this girl at school that i like and i can never get the guts to go talk to her cuz im not sure what shell think say or react we play around sometimes and sometimes shes serious and the play around and its really confusing please help

  3. im not sure if im on the right topic but so theres this girl that two years ago rejected me and then two years later she wants to talk to me but she wont talk to me cuz i dont talk to her but i dont talk to her cuz she dont talk to me wut shuld i do ive talked to her for short periods of time before but i want to carry onm a conversation with her when i try to talk to her i just cant wut shuld i do

  4. theres this girl we met in a school football game asking me where i got my shirt from that day on she sed hello and smiled at me and sometimes hugged me and that football game wuz a month and a couple weeks ago and she still sez hello duz this mean anything and i mean everyday she sez hello EVERY

  5. me and this girl r really good frends and bout two weeks ago she stopped talkin to me she stopped sayin hi to me.but some days she talked to me and sit next to me and then i think she wuz ignoring me for the past few days any ideas wuts goin on and i dont think she wants to answer my IM's please help o and weve been frends since kinder

  6. i have a friend lets call her maria k a couple weeks ago i saw cuts in her arm i knew she wuz cuttin herself but i asked and she didnt respond k so now currently she seems depreseed and cuts herself i dont know wut to do i really care about her she used to say hi to me now she doesnt but i need help wut should i do to help her she used 2 be happy now shes strange and talks bout suicide

  7. k theres another thing i have a GF and thats y i want 2 get over my shyness she is shy 2 i think cuz i wuz gonna hold her hand but she sorta backed away and i wuz shy 2 i knew i wanted 2 but i dint know how 2 approach her

  8. k so i got with my gf a week ago and we dont seem to do stuff we only say hi to each other when we pass by each other or sometimes hug so anyway today i went to a school dance and she doesnt really talk 2 me i dont know y o and did i mention im her first BF yeah so she wuz dancin with three of my friends and we didnt and how do i du stuff how du i approach her please tell me i need help

  9. theres an adition k so we were poking each other and as i poked her my finger slipped and touched her breast idunno if shes mad but just to be safe is there a solution oh and she dont say hi to me i think its cuz that please help

  10. ok so theres this girl at school i really like her shes a cool person i want to tell her but not sure how i know id probably get nervous and my mouth would freeze yeah so help i only have her for one class but we still see each other she used to say hi when we passed by each other but now she stopped im not sure y i just want to be friends again please help me i cant stop thinking about it

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