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Posts posted by highschoolguy

  1. So you think I shouold just not try anymore? I am scared of hurting her again too. but I think I will be alot more careful this time. I know how much she meant to me. I know I am lucky that she is even talking to me again because she did not for a long time. Everybody likes her because she is so nice. Like I said, we've been talking for about 2 months now, but not going out. Just hanging out the past month then she finally let me give her one kiss about 3 weeks ago. then she said no, not now, to going back to me. but maybe down the line somewhere.

  2. yeah, I have shown her that I care. I gave her a real pretty necklace for xmas. I have told her how sorry i am, and told her that she deserves better. But when she just asked me if I still liked her, I said sort of instead of yes because she sorta hurt my feelings when she said she could not go back with me now, but maybe later. she is just the nicest person that i know.


    should I keep trying, or do you think I should just give up? I have tried really hard to be really nice and stuff, but I cannot change the bad things that I did.

  3. Hi,

    Okay, so I was really a jerk to my girlfriend last summer. We went out for 2 years, and I don't know why, but I treated her real badly last summer by not calling and just being a jerk. Then we got back to school, and I finally broke up with her the first week. One week later I was hanging out with this new girl, and that relly hurt my ex, and she cried alot. Anyway, my ex is just this great person, and I don't even know why I broke up with her.


    I told her I wanted her back a couple a months ago, and she said it wuld take a long time. Then I asked her again a couple of weeks ago, and she said not now, although she really liked me. We have been hanging out alot, but since the last time she told me no I have not called her, except for nce. She said that she still liked me, and asked me if I still likd her and I jus said , well, sort of. Even though I really do. she is really nice to me even though I have been a jerk to her.


    I relly do likeher. What should I do now? She says she likes me, but is scared of getting hurt again/ shoudl i keep trying?


    Thanks for the advice/

  4. Yeah, well, I know i took her for granted. She is prety, smart, andloved me. she nevr did anything bad to me, and i just always thought she would be there. she came to my games, my famly loved her, and she was just great to hang with. we didnt have to be doinganything, you know. now i have this new gilr, but it is nothin like my old girl. I will try the rose thing, and maybe a nice card. I still don't think she will evr talk to me again. why would she want to. i did love her, but took it for grantd.

  5. thanks and no you wernt to hard on me. I deserve it.


    I did say sorry to her and said it was because I did not know how to act so I ignored her which was true.. but I do feel bad because I told her I did not want to be her friend. It was sortof mean. She is really the sweetest person I know. she was also one of my best friends. I really messd up. now my friends are not understanding me, my family does not want this new gril around, and the old gril want nothin to do wit me.


    I deserve it., but I guess i have to saty with the new one becuase that is all i have left now.

  6. okay, I forgot to say that the reson that people think I was wrng was that I would not talk to my old girl after i broke up with her, I just ignored her , i know that is bad, and made her cry. Then she said she stil wanted to be my frend, and i said no, so it made her cry more. But now a really cool guy likes her.


    Everyone likes my old girl becuase she is a really nice person.


    So I guess I am really the bad one here.

  7. So do you think i am real bad for treating my old girl like this. Nobdy understands even my mom.



    it just that this other new girl is always hanging around me and making me feel important. Not that the old gril did not, she always came to my sports games and treated me real nice. I loved her, so don't know why i did this. I don't want to dump the new girl becuas then i would have no one and it woud look like i messd up. I don't think the old girl would ever come back.

  8. Yeah well, thing is I don't too well on my own. I have had a girl since 7th grade, but my old girl was really special and I was whit her the longest. This new girl just kept flirting so I gave in. This new girl is okay and I like her, but just not really like my old gile, you know, quality. That probly sounds really bad, but it is true./

  9. Hey, okay, well I brokeup with my Gf 2 months ago. We went out for 1 1/2 yrs. I really loved her, but this other girl had been flirting with me for 4 months, and I finally gave in. Pretty stupid, huh.


    So my old girl was really hurt cause right away I started going out with this other girl, who has a reputation for, umm being not too picky, if you know what I mean. Nobocy likes this new girl, even my family. My friends even say I did wrong to hurt this other girl. So here I am with my old girl mad at me and she is starting to go out with some really gcool guy, while I am with this new gril who is okay, but my mom does not even want her over at the house, and my friends are mead at me too, and it more physical than anything, not like my old girl.


    I feel bad becuase I feel like I ended up with nothin, and bobody understands. Oh, I am 17.



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