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Posts posted by GuitarChica87

  1. i think the main reason i like musicians is because im one myself.another would probably be b/c i find music the best way to express ur emotions.So if a guy starts serenading me i'm gonna find it hard not to believe whatever he's saying is a lie

  2. I dig musicians as well, possibly b/c i have a tremendous passion for music and am a guitarist also.When I find out a guy plays guitar it deffinitely gives him points. I don't know what exactly it is,but it deffinitely makes the guy a lot more attractive.

  3. You know i did that same thing last year with this really cute teacher. He was like fresh out of college and he was the new assistant band director. Only time i saw him was at the football games(i wasn't in band) and sometimes in the morning before school started.It was kinda embarrassing the first time i saw him because it was like love at first sight,so i was like glancing over at him every chance i could get. When he caught me the first time i hurriedly looked away and like after the 3rd time i think he too was looking at me b/c he was looking at me before i looked at him.I eventually stopped b/c i thought i was scaring him.He'd like look away real quickly and stuff.So I had to try hard not to stare at him too b/c im like really shy and wasn't sure if he liked me too.In the end I think he too was attracted to me b/c he started like saying good-morning and smiled at me a couple of times when i saw him in the mornings. I would've approahed him,but since he WAS a teacher and he also WAS like 8 yrs older than me i figured there was no chance. BTW i don't want this guy to seem like a pedophile lol.I was a sophmore at the time and i looked like a senior.


    My main point is that, since you do know he is shy try to be as friendly as possible.I would've kept "eye-flirting" with this guy if had not acted so freakin nervous about it the first time i did it.What he's feeling right now is probably similar to how i was feelin last year.

  4. That was a very good poem. I will probably never forget this day,not because of terrorist attacks,not b/c of the loss of such a wonderful structure but b/c of all those innocent ppl that never thought in a million years that they would die that day and the family members franticly looking for their family members on the streets. Its just so depressing.

  5. I have no idea.I've heard a mixture of both from friends that have graduated already. It depends on the relationship and which road they take afterwards.If one is moving accross the nation to go to some famous university the chances are very slim.

  6. im also a junior in HS so this should be helpful:


    *A guy w/ a sense of humor. I love laughing and guy that can make me do that gets a plus


    *A guy who i can have a deep convo with. You gotta be a good listener and give a good input when its needed.


    *Have confidence. No girl thinks a guy who always walks around w/ their head down and never smiles is gonna make a good bf.Carry yourself well.


    *Intelligent.I dont know if its just me but i dont like guys that are all bronze but not brains. Neither do i like guys who are Know-it-alls and haven't lift a wieght in their life.balance it out a bit.


    *mature vs. immature . it really depends on the girl about this. I personnally dont like immature guys.Though there's a big difference between being goofy and being immature ,there's nothin wrong w/ being a little goofy,just try not to laugh at the word "but" when you read it in a sentence


    *As far as physical appearance goes it also depends on the girl.I go for tall, average guys. some turn-offs are bad hygeine,long hair,bad taste in clothes,,yellow teeth and uni-brows lol (im a very honest girl) .

    turn ons would be opposite of turn offs and possibly some facial hair,nice smile and a pretty eyes.


    *For the record, girls DO like guys who play guitars.Or any other instrument for that matter. I love guitarsts and drummers and i once even liked this guy who played the trumpet in marching band last year.Any art form will get you attention form girls no matter if its drawing or rapping.Plus it makes good conversation starters.


    *Be a tad crazy. Do random stuff every now and then. Be different.Girls tend to like the guys who act spontaneous and do things out of the ordinary.There's nothing wrong w/ guys who aren't,but its still a plus for guys who do.


    i cant think of anymore things at the moment.Hope i was helpful

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