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Posts posted by Vegancatlady

  1. It gets easier, I promise. The pain really is awful in the first couple of weeks.


    And meanwhile: is he thinking of you? Yes, of course. I've been broken up with a couple of times from serious relationships (including the most recent one), and done the breaking up a couple of times, and even in the easiest break up, where I'd probably emotionally moved on before the break up occurred, I still thought of her regularly (as in multiple times a day). You don't go from spending every day together with someone, thinking about someone, talking to them, sharing a life with them, to not thinking at all overnight. Is he obsessing 24/7? Maybe not, but you can guarantee he's spending a good chunk of the day thinking about you still, and the longer you remain in NC, the kinder his thoughts will become. I know that when I broke up with someone after she'd cheated and been emotionally abusive on and off for some time, I hated her guts and was quite happy to break up. After about three months of NC, I felt moderately well disposed towards her again and remembered the good times. Amazing what tricks the memory can play after a period of separation.


    He's very emotionally withdrawn at the moment.

    His father died end of February and ever since then he went further and further downhill.

    The pressure of a relationship was causing him serious anxiety and stress.

    He cares about me for sure, but any intimacy just disappeared.

    We still laughed, hugged, ate together, went for a pint, spoke everyday.

    But the his sex drive went completely and he would sometimes retreat or cancel dates on me at the last minute.

    He was feeling very guilty about this...I understand.

    Maybe in the future we'll be friends. I still love him with all my heart though, and will for a while I think.

  2. Day 5 of no contact soon to be ending...it was very tough today.

    It's his day off today and tomorrow. I wonder what he's up to.

    I wonder if he is thinking of me. The realist in me says no.

    Keeping busy is not helping...but I soldier on.

    The hurt and anxiety was so bad today...such pain. It's all so sad.

  3. Hello you,

    I'm so sad everyday since you took that decision to end things.

    I understand why you had to do it, I know that it was a hard call to make.

    Your life has been pretty hard lately, your father's death left you heartbroken.

    The heavy weight of a relationship was giving you anxiety attacks and making you ill.

    The thought that I was in some way a burden to you makes me feel awful.

    I know you said "let's be friends" and I wanted to be there for you.

    But I love you so much, it hurts to be around you right now. Hope you understand.

    Maybe in the future soon we can be friends and my mind will be clear.

    And you need space right now, a chance to heal without worrying about me.

    My dear, my lovely friend...I wish you nothing but happiness.

    You deserve it. Kindest man I ever met.

    With love

    your vegan lady friend who loves cats xx

  4. Hi guys,

    I'm on Day 2 of the NC challenge!

    I stated to my ex that we were going NC for at least a month...it's for him as much as for me.

    We went our separate ways due to a lot of not so good things happening in his life at the moment.

    But when his father died in February, it started to really go downhill. He ended it a few weeks ago.

    He just can't deal with the responsibility of a relationship and is suffering from bad anxiety.

    So, he needs this space too. I can't bear the thought of my presence causing more stress on him.

    Although he's far too kind to say that. He's a good guy.

    So here we go, DAY TWO. Let's hope I don't crack

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