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Posts posted by corrinas2

  1. Ok, I guess I have some info for you. I found my husbands father, he never even knew he had another son. he is the oldest of 13 kids. All we had was a name and where he was from when he went into the military. Down here in Florida, Ard is a very popular name. so this is what I did. I wrote letters to all the names there were my husbands father took me days to write, but i wrote the same thing in all at night when everyone was asleep. Mailed them off and 3 days later, We received a phone call saying we found him, just he didnt know about another son. That night his dad called him and they talked for hours. Now we live down in Florida which is where he was from and his dad is the only family member we have contact with. It is really interesting cause they are so identical, not in looks but in actions. Good luck on your search and just a little word, writing maybe a good idea.

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