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Posts posted by PrfectAngelWingZ

  1. Well i have this boyfriend now.. and we've went out b4 more then 3 times.. and it never worked out but we kept takin eachother back (i dont understand y) but we broke up with me recently (twice) and now we are going back out.. but i started talking to this other kid.. and im starting to like him. I dont know wether i should stay with my boyfriend.. or break up with him.. and give it a rest... and go with this other kid.. im not sure who i like more and im not sure what to do.. please give me some advice im only 14 and im confused

  2. Well i have this boyfriend and well we've broken up and gone out like 5 -7 times already... i like him alot ....but it seems that no matter what i do or who i go out with i always like at least one other person.. i mean ik i have my boyfriend but idk i always like someone else.. i guess im jsut very boy crazy...i dont know.......i just wanna know what i should do.. should i stay with him and just live with the fact i like other ppl ... or break up with him and live the single life?... he really likes me alot to i guess but i dont know im just very confused... please help...

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