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Posts posted by Hotboy645

  1. Ok, lets start out like this. I have been with my girlfriend for almost 3 years now and we have a 2 month of child. Everything is going well. I previously in a 9 year relationship and have a child from my past relationship as well. My new girlfriend was in a 6 year relationship before I came along. We are both friends with our exes. She left her ex-boyfriend and they remained friends afterwards. I don't have any problem with that because I am friends with my ex. What I do have a problem with is that he calls the house so often. My ex never calls the house because she says she would not want my girlfriend to feel uncomfortable so she calls my cell phone. My current girl no longer has a cell so her ex calls the house. This week he has called everyday. I never had a problem with it but I am saying to myself why does he call so much. Part of me thinks that he is still into her. I trust my girlfriend and I know she wants me but it bothers me that he calls so often. I have not brought it up to her because I don't want to be petty. Should I be bothered by this. Just for the record when he does call they talk right in front of me.

  2. First let me start by saying I am 29 single with a child. I was in a past relationship for 10 years of my life. I was very much in love with my ex. We had our problems. Most of them I caused. We separated and went through all the drama and emotional pain but now are friends. We messed around with each other during the break up but both decided it was best for us to date others and always remain close friends. Well here goes the problem. I met a girl a year ago. Wonderful women but she was taken. I was just looking to have fun so I did not mind but as time goes on fun turned into much more and she left her current boyfriend of 6 years.


    Now we both are starting on all the wrong tracks. She leaves her boyfriend of 6 yrs. My son's mother of 10 years are just getting out of a relationship and here I am falling in love again. Now while we are falling in love we both have plenty of backage. There are still feelings there for our exes on both sides. I still would fool around with my ex occasionally and hang out with her but I let her know I was dating not in anything serious.


    Now comes the time when things get serious. I decide to settle down with my new girl and work on a new relationship but all this time insecurity and jealousy was brought into play. She never trusted the relationship with my ex and I never trusted hers. Both of us called our exes often and still told them that we loved them. We were both honest about that. But we also knew that those prior relationships did not work so it was time to move on.


    Well let me get to the point. Us both being irresponsible went to Bahamas together and had a lustful weekend without protection and no birth control and she got pregnant. Now neither of us wanted this to happen and she is choosing not to have an abortion. So she is keeping the baby. Now since she has made the decistion everything has went wrong. All of a sudden her and her ex are best buddies again. (Note: They could not have a kid together.) My ex and I still have remained friends and everybody knows about the situation. The other day she told me that her ex would accpet her and the baby if she would come back. I am like why are you telling me this.


    Next week we have a fight and we break up. She was mad because my ex called me late at night. Well I was tired of her and called my ex and asked her to spend time with me. She slept over my house that night as total friends. Nothing was done at all. Well my girlfriend decides yesterday to call my ex. She got her number by snooping in my phone. She called her and all hell breaks loose. My ex told her she spent the weekend with me. My ex also told her that we still discuss being together at times and we are still emotionally attached.


    Now my girlfriend calls me breaks up with me and tells me to stay out of her life and the babies life. Now I am really screwed because I love this girl but this relationship is just so stressful at times. All of the baggage and insecurities drive me crazy. There is no trust at all in this relationship. I really would like it to be right and work things out but part of me wants to walk away. I am so confused. To be honest I think she truly hates my guts. I would if I was her. She swared on everything she loves that she wants me out of her life.

  3. Ok, I am going to start by saying this. I was in a relationship with my ex for 9 years. We have a beautiful child together who is about to turn 4 years old. We lived together for 3 years. She cut off the relationship about 10 months ago. I went through my depression stage but quickly picked myself up. During the time we have not been together I met this nice young lady. We have been dating for 7 months now. She is a wonderful girl. My ex and I remained friends all this time. We still hung out and even talked on the phone. While we were in a relationship she was wonderful to me. The reason she left me is because I cheated and during that time I neglected her.

    Even when we parted I knew she still loved me but was hurt because I decieved her. I can't blame her for leaving me. Now the problem is I still love her deeply and she loves me. She calls me asking to work things out and I tell her I need time, plus I dont want to hurt the girl I am dating. I am so confused about what to do. Should I go back and hurt this girls feelings whom I have been dating for 7 months. Or do I walk away from my ex. My heart is still with my ex and that is the major problem. But I just don't want to hurt anybodys feelings. Plus I have a child by this girl, so it complicates things more.

  4. Yea, it was time for me to write this. Most members on this board live with hope of getting their ex back. Forget about it honestly get your life back. If that person loved you as much as you loved them they would attempted to work it out before throwing it away. Live is way too short to stop your life for another individual. I know it is not easy but the longer you continue to live with hope, the longer it will take for you to gain yourself confidence. Please feel free to messaeg me. I love giving advice

  5. I have been on this site now for 3 months. I went through a terrible break up with my ex. We were together for 9 years and she left me for good reasons. I messed up a few times in the relationships. Yea we had great times and bad ones. We also have a beautiful child together. But what people need to realize is that once someone leaves you there mind is set. Don't use the NC rule to get them back, use it to get you DAM life back. Don't stalk, don't call, don't beg and act like you don't give a dam. Because you will build your self esteem. I went through 3 months of chasing her. I tried the NC rule and she called me telling me she missed me.


    I was still weak and started to come around and she pulled the I need space move again. All that did was hurt me more and I went back to being miserable and depressed. I continued to call asking why would you bring me in and kick me out again. Then you know what happened reality set in. This person is no longer interested in you anymore. Move on with your life and never think about taking that person back. Right now I am dealing with a female I have grown to like. Sometimes I say to myself if my ex comes back I will leave this girl. But does that make sense.


    Why go back to old drama? That person no longer loves you anymore thats why they left you. Nobody should allow someone to leave them and be able to walk back into their life after they learned that the grass is not greener on the other side.


    Please take my advice anyone who reads this.

    1. Move on

    2. Date as much as you can it makes you feel so much better

    3. Learn from your mistakes (The most important)

    4. Don't allow anyone to string you along.

    5. Act like you don't care even if you do


    Trust me this works. Not to get your ex back but to get your life back. If it is meant to be then MAYBE it will come back. But 9 out of 10 times that person does not come back. Especially if you showed signs of weakness when they broke up with you.

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