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Posts posted by sweetheart_2006

  1. Me and my ex have been broke up for about 3 months now. I want him back so bad. I have messed up a few times and all, but i wanna fix it. I just want one more chance. We were talking about gettin back together before we had our last fight(which was bout a week ago). He said he was through with me and all this stupid stuff.


    What can I do to prove to him I really love him and care for him. I want to be with him more than ANYTHING in the world. I'd give up anything for him. What is something i can do to prove this to him that will make him realize what he is missing and how much I really really do care?

  2. all i know is that i feel so hurt. all i ever do is try to think of a way to get him back. i have tried to be with someone else. all i do is sit there and compare them to him and i dont know what to do. i really like him.


    When we first started goin out he was the best boyfriend i have ever had and he has changed so much. He had a wreck in his friends car and he was driving it and they thought his best friends back was broke. ever since then he has been a jerk to everyone. i have told him he used to be sweet and now he has changed but he never answered me when i told him that. whats wrong with him why is he like that. all i know is i really wanna try to make it work. i just want one more chance

  3. I have this ex boyfriend. We have been broke up for probably almost 3 months now. We have been pretty good friends. Well one night he asked me to come over to his house. well i did and he told me he missed us being together(i was soo happy to hear him say that) He means the world to me. He said he wanted to get back with me(maybe) when things that have happened start to settle down(long story).


    I kinda got excited but not too excited because I didn't know if it would ever really happen, but i whish with all my heart it would. Well a few days later his friend told me he was had called me a name. Well i text him a kind of mean text but I didn't think it was that mean..And he got mad at me and now pretty much hates me. Then his friend tells me that he kept talkin bout me and sayin that he thinks he misses me and all.. and his friend said he was just joking when he called me the name.And I told the guy i really like that i wasnt mad i was just wantin to know why he was talking crap about me and he was like can i know have fun and joke around i dont have to take your s*** ..f*** you, i am done with you and all this stuff. Well I really want him back. What is something I could do/buy whatever to prove to him I love him and (i had made a big mistake and i wanna show him that it would never happen again he means too much to me and all lthat). what can i do? I'll do anyting please dont tell me I cant get him back because I am gonna try all that i can to get him back. I really love him.

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