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Omni Tenru

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Posts posted by Omni Tenru

  1. Well, ive been dating this girl for about 6 months now. When we started going out. We talked all the time. And now recently, we like, havent even been talking at all. I dont know what to do or say to her. Any tips appreciated. Thnx

  2. Sry im kinda changing the subject here i think. But i have a problem. My gf was over here earlier, and i was fingering her. But when i rub her clit, she says it hurts. What am i doing wrong?

  3. Hi. I have jus started to finger my gf lately and is my first time doing it. We are both virgins. Well. I was rubbing her clit the other day and she liked it. But when i went to do it again yesterday she said it was sore. Is that supposed to happen? please excuse my ignorence, i was jus wandering. Thnx

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