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Posts posted by groofey

  1. Hey guys, if a friend of yours came up and admitted that she had a crush on you, would it freak you out?? Would you see her any differently or even consider getting to know her?? the reason i need to know is the guy i'm friends with graduates in 2 months, and then he's leaving, so i would love to tell him how i feel, but i don't want to ruin the friendship that we have. any help would definitely be appreciated

  2. I've been head over heels for this guy for the past 2 years or so. This year, we became better friends, but my feelings increased for him quite a bit too. Unfortunately, he only views me as a friend and has no idea of anything that I feel for him. I don't want to lose the friendship we've gained, but at the same time I keep wondering if there could be anything there. Worst thing is, he leaves in May, should I tell him, or just keep the friendship secure?

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