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Posts posted by Dubban

  1. I would get out and enjoy yourself, your far to young to be worried about marriage!!. You say it hurts when he wont take you to parties, so you must really want to go. If he says he wont take you because he acts a jerk when he's drunk, hes not really treating you like a lady. Is HE marriage material is the question you need to ask.

  2. Ok - I have just finished a long term relationship 5 Months ago. Need some help and dust off the rust! Bit long, so will be brief as possible, but any advice appreciated - it's been a mad week.


    Had a few drinks together, but no date.

    She dropped hints to a mutual friend that she fancied me

    Went out as a group

    She ended back at mine, we slept together, but not full sex

    Arranged to call her

    She text me saying she had a great night, I replied saying I will call soon and thanks

    I left it for 3 days and called just before she went away for a week with work (out of the country)

    She invited me round hers

    Slept together again – not full sex – didn't even attempt (Hard but don't want to seem easy)

    Saw her off on the plane

    Phoned me to say arrived - general chat

    I text her later to say have a good time, great to see you last night, will call when you return

    No contact for 2 days, she text late at night to say "Just saying Hello, how are you"

    Not wanting to be to keen I left a reply till the morning to say "good morning"

    She then text "having a good time, but im feeling sexy, you have opened the gates"

    I text back to say, "keep them shut for now, I might help them open when you return"



    Now, Im mad for her, but don't want to let on. I have arranged to take her out on a date 3 days after she gets back, but I know she will want to see me when she gets off the plane. Should I? How should I play it whilst she is away? And should I let on how mad I am for her, or just play it cool.


    Any help appreciated, but I don't believe I can be this lucky!

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