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Posts posted by jenspen84

  1. hi toni.


    me n my ex went out for 2 years n were really gd together. we both went to uni n we drifted apart. he finished with me n december 03. he said he needed time on his own, he went to work abroad for 6 months and i broke every rule, forced contact, was needy etc.. he came back home in september and we were close but as friends.. then another girl appeared on the scene .. but quickly dissappeared again.. so we didnt speak throughout the winter.. i told him he couldnt have his cake n eat it two. he wanted time on his own.. and possibly to date others but still wanted me as a big part of his life, but i told him it wasnt fair cos it was hurting me. even though really i was longing to be with him. i found out in march that he was going away for the summer again.. so i took the advice of an international psychic, who is also a friend (!) and i called him on the night he was leaving n told him i still loved him. i havent spoken to him since. he should be back any time now. i feel much better about what i have done this time, by telling him how i feel n then leaving him alone. but what do i do now? this psychic has been my main source of help and advice, he is sure we will get back together. he has been right about a lot but his timing is very wrong, and the whole thing is becoming more and more stressful. can you help me?

  2. hi,


    i was with my boyfriend for 2 years and we were so close i couldnt see us eva breakin up, then when we both went to uni i became less interested and thereforeeee he bcame insecure n we bcame distant. he split with me december 03 and went to do wot he'd always wantd-travelling. i (stupidly) made evry effort to keep contact, phone letters etc. i put too much pressure on him when he came back in sept 03. i didnt speak much with him throughout the winter.. and after a while i heard he was asking after me.. how i was doin etc, i found out in march he was goin away til july ish (now).. so a psychic contact of mine advised me to call him and tell him i still loved him and that i knew he had to go but i had to tell him, n i said id b thinkin of him n that id see him when he returned. he didnt protest to it, just sort of 'ok'. it took a lot of courage to call him out of the blue and say. but im really happy with the way i left things with him, and have had no contact since, have left him alone this time... but now i am terrified of him returning, dont know wot to say how to act and what to expect.

    if anyone could give their opinion id b very grateful

    also, the main reason i have faith in us getting back together is bcos this psychic contact is sure of it happening. he has been successful with other predictions, am i dumb for believing it?

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