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Posts posted by bluekb

  1. Back to day 1 - my NC went down in a flaming heap yesterday when he left me a message saying he was feeling really sad and just wanted to talk to someone, had been thinking of all the times we had. I stupidly called back, he didn't answer, he never called back. I texted and he replied that he was fine now. Well gee thanks - YOU DUMPED ME - leave me alone. This time it's NC for real. I feel like more crap after getting his answer and that's how it's always going to be.

  2. Day 1

    I work with my ex so I have requested all communication go through a project management system. He was texting and calling me every day and I have asked this to stop. I am taking this challenge because every time I have contact with him I come out feeling lower then low. He dumped me. It's over. I have to accept this and move on with my life. I plan on filling my life up rather then dwelling on everything. I don't think I could have saved our relationship even if I knew we were in trouble to this extent. I just want to scream at him though - i hate you i hate you i hate you i love you. you jerk. but instead I will keep quiet and begin healing.

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